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Smart Regions: EU funds help Sámi people preserve their traditions

  • 15 September 2023
Smart Regions: EU funds help Sámi people preserve their traditions

The territory of Sámi people, which they call Sápmi, extends over two EU countries, Sweden and Finland, and two countries outside the EU, Norway and Russia.

The European project “Filling the EU- Sápmi knowledge gaps” aims to strengthen the mutual understanding between the Sámi and the EU”, helping the indigenous people to preserve their tradition. One example of a Sami tradition are Sámi houses and huts called "gahtie". They are made of birch branches, leaves and moss, allowing them to blend into the landscape. The link of respect and sustainability with the environment is characteristic of the Sámi, the only indigenous people recognised in Europe.


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Watch the latest episode of Smart Regions showing how EU funds are protecting the traditions and culture of the Sámi!

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