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Cohesion Policy: new series of study trips to Brussels for journalists and content creators

  • 29 June 2023
Cohesion Policy: new series of study trips to Brussels for journalists and content creators

The Commission has extended the #EUinMyRegion Media Trips programme and is inviting regional & local journalists and content creators from the EU to apply until 21 July for a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge on Cohesion Policy, EU funds, and the broader functioning of the European Union.

The comprehensive programme will encompass online trainings and short trips to Brussels, featuring informative sessions on EU institutions, structure, and procedures. Additionally, journalists and content creators will gain insights into EU Cohesion Policy, learn about the EU's approach to handling fraud and mismanagement of funds, engage in meetings with Commission country experts, explore data tools relevant to their field, and participate in project visits and visits of other EU institutions. By the end of the programme, participants will acquire a better understanding of EU policies, particularly Cohesion Policy. They will also have the opportunity to establish connections with fellow journalists from various countries and regions, contributing to the advancement of the European project through their reporting.

The first media study trip is scheduled for early September, with seven more trips planned during October 2023 – May 2024. Each study trip is expected to attract around 40 journalists and content creators from all EU Member States. The European Commission will cover travel and accommodation expenses for participants in the programme. Visit to apply.