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EUSAIR Forum in Sarajevo: “We need to work with the youth"

  • 21 Jun 2023
Greater cooperation, dialogue and youth involvement can strengthen the role of the Western Balkans in the EU, leaders of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), said during its 8th annual forum in Sarajevo from 23 to 25 May 2023.
EUSAIR Forum in Sarajevo: “We need to work with the youth"

EUSAIR, one of the four EU macro-regional strategies, has the potential to promote EU enlargement and member states and candidate countries need to work together to achieve this. This was the message from European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, and Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira, and many ministers, in their speeches.

Bosnian Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konaković stressed the important role of EUSAIR in promoting dialogue and communication between the countries of the region. He reiterated the need for political stability in the Western Balkans, saying it was essential for economic development, which was, in turn, the only way to improve the living conditions of citizens.

The brain drain and the vital need for youth involvement were other key concerns for the region, along with the related necessity to create opportunities for young people.

“We should not just work for young people, we must also work with them,” Commissioner Ferreira said. This called for reinforced commitment to establish the EUSAIR Youth Council.

Linked to this, the forum called for greater social cohesion in the region through a new EUSAIR social pillar, to better support a just transition to a greener and digitally stronger Adriatic-Ionian region.

The forum concluded with the adoption of the Sarajevo Declaration. It also brought Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first-ever annual EUSAIR presidency to a successful close. Croatia took over the presidency on 1 June. 


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