en English

Apply Now for Cohesion4Transitions (C4T) GROUNDWORK: Call for Experts

  • 13 June 2023
Apply Now for Cohesion4Transitions (C4T) GROUNDWORK: Call for Experts

The Cohesion4Transitions (C4T) Community of Practice is pleased to announce the launch of a new call for experts to support the delivery of C4T GROUNDWORK. This exciting opportunity aims to mobilize external experts who can contribute their expertise to assist regions and Member States in achieving sustainable transitions. If you have a passion for sustainability and want to make a significant impact in this field, we encourage you to apply and be part of this initiative.

C4T GROUNDWORK is a technical assistance instrument provided by the C4T Community of Practice to support sustainable transitions in regions, cities, and local communities. Through this initiative, technical assistance will be provided to EU Member States and/or regions committed to engaging in sustainability transitions (as defined in this toolkit) and investing in various areas under Policy Objective 2 (PO2): "A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net-zero carbon economy and resilient Europe" under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and/or Cohesion Fund (CF) programmes.

This call for expressions of interest seeks external experts to provide technical assistance in several thematic areas aligned with C4T's focus, including:

  • Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Renewable energy
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Water and sustainable water management
  • Circular economy and resource-efficient economy
  • Protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure

The technical assistance primarily revolves around the governance of sustainability transitions (including developing strategies and action plans) as well as the identification and development of project pipelines adapted to the reality of the territories. Additionally, experts will contribute to ensuring that programmes and actions integrate environmental considerations and adhere to the "do-no-significant-harm" principle. They will also aid in the development of new project ideas, such as innovative solutions for energy transition, and support the implementation of projects in energy transition, climate change adaptation, circular economy, sustainable water management and biodiversity protection.

To apply as an external expert, please complete the application form in English via this EU-Survey questionnaire. By submitting your application, you will be considered for inclusion in the list of experts. However, it is important to note that inclusion does not guarantee selection for individual assignments.

Interested applicants are required to provide their full contact details and indicate the specific thematic areas to which they wish to contribute.



More information

For detailed information about the support provided, contractual arrangements, and work delivery, please refer to the open call for expression of interest, which includes Guidelines for more specific information. If you have any other questions, please contact