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Cohesion Policy: The Commission adopts the fourth report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies

  • 16 January 2023
Cohesion Policy: The Commission adopts the fourth report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies

The Commission adopted the fourth report on the implementation of the EU macro-regional strategies (MRS). It highlights achievements and cooperation actions taken in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).

Cooperation and solidarity across EU MRS in times of crisis

By covering years from mid-2020 to mid-2022, the report shows also how the 19 EU Member States and 10 non-EU countries part of the EU MRS, turned regular cooperation actions into solidarity to face all together the effects of COVID-19 pandemic and the unjustified military aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

The EUSDR played an important role in supporting Ukraine following Russia’s illegal and unjustified war of aggression, helping to increase  the links between this country and the EU. Activities focused on the integration of Ukrainian refugees and on establishing safe corridors for freight. This commitment was strongly manifested by the Ukrainian presidency of the Danube strategy in 2022. At the opening of the 2022 EU MRS Week deputy minister. Ihor Korkhovyi said: “I am very happy that I am living in these tremendously exciting times when Ukraine is not only at the door of the European Union but is already stepping into our mutual European house”.

Overall and despite the war Ukraine considerably increased its involvement in all priority areas of the Danube strategy.  

On the other hand, the EUSBSR suspended all cooperation with Russia and Belarus. As stressed by Finnish Minster of Foreign Affairs Mr Pekka Haavisto at the EUSBSR 2022 Annual Forum, “After Russia’s attack on Ukraine we entered a completely new reality. Our perception of European security and Russia changed overnight”. This is also why the strategy now moves towards further strengthening its role as a strategic meeting place for cooperation between EU Member States, Norway and Iceland.   

Concerning the support to candidate and potential candidate countries, the EUSAIR contributes to maintain regular political exchanges, and to align EU priorities in the Western Balkans region and their reality.

Efficient coordination of EU funds at Macro-Regional level

Then, the report highlights the MRS’ unique capacity to coordinate EU funds, together with national and regional means to alleviate bottom-up initiatives at a macro-regional level.

The four MRS, supported also by the four related Interreg transnational programmes, present an ambitious goal to achieve the implementation of the European Green Deal and the European Digital Strategy in the coming years. In the Alps, conditions were created for coordinated investments in the field of hydrogen, to boost both sustainable mobility but also to develop jobs and skills for the whole sector.  In the Baltic Sea region the eco-efficiency in the maritime sector is increased by digital solutions developed jointly by industry end-users and research organisations. In the Danube region red tape is cut in the shipping industry by the introduction of harmonised and digitalised control documents. Finally, the MRS have promoted the use of electric vehicles in existing regional and local transport systems of the Adriatic and Ionian region.

The efforts to embed the priorities of the MRS in relevant EU funding programmes 2021-2027 progressed well. In the EUSDR, the “Embedding Tool” helps managing authorities to align their programmes with the actions of the Danube strategy. This exists in addition to the existence of Network of Managing Authorities in the four EU MRS who are mobilising the relevant funds (ERDF-IPA-NDICI-CF) for the purpose of funding projects.



Strong involvement of civil society in decision-making process

Finally, the reports encourages the role of civil society organisations as solid base for policy making in the four MRS.  In particular on youth involvement, the MRS are pioneers in creating youth councils and youth summer camps, to make sure young generation are at the heart of the policy shaping for the future of their regions.  In 2021, the EUSBSR recognised the role of youth for the implementation of the strategy in its revised Action Plan and the EUSALP was the first to set up a youth council. The initiative has been recognised by the other MRS who are in the process of following EUSALP’s example. The Albanian EUSAIR Presidency created synergizes with the team of the Tirana European Youth Capital and hosted the EUSAIR POPRI youth contest at the EUSAIR annual forum 2022.  


More information

The report reflects the overall development of the four MRS. More detailed and strategy related information can be found in the accompanying staff working document.