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#Youth4Coop – Celebrating the end of European Year of Youth with Interreg programmes and EU Macro-Regional Strategies

  • 05 December 2022
#Youth4Coop – Celebrating the end of European Year of Youth with Interreg programmes and EU Macro-Regional Strategies

Look at the achievements of Interreg programmes and EU Macro-Regional Strategies in involving young people!

More than a year ago, when 2022 was announced as the European Year of Youth, Interreg programmes and EU Macro-Regional Strategies did not hesitate a second to climb on board the Youth train and DG Regional and Urban Policy’s flagship initiative “Youth4Cooperation”. 

The 86 Interreg programmes and the 4 EU Macro Regional Strategies across European borders have promoted the work they do for and with young people. 

For 30 years, Interreg’s mission is to bring people closer together by boosting cooperation actions between regions from Member States, and also with partner countries at the external borders of the European Union. 

The young generation benefits from such cooperation actions and should become a key actor of funded projects for a greener, more innovative, more attractive and a more accessible place to live in. 

The Youth4Coop initiative is :

  • the creation of 3 Youth Councils
  • more than 700 Interreg Volunteers Youth deployed in 250 Interreg programmes and projects,
  • more than 100 meetings across the EU with young people,
  • hundreds of EU funded projects on cooperation actions in the fields of employment, education, mitigation of climate change …

so many topics that concern the next generation, as express in the Interreg Youth Manifesto 

Youth4Cooperation initiative is not stopping in 2022! all together, we continue with and for young people. 

Discover the many youth initiatives carried out throughout the year, in the Youth4Cooperation video