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#Youth4Coop - Youngsters building together a better Europe

  • 02 December 2022
#Youth4Coop - Youngsters building together a better Europe
The publication ‘Stories of European Cooperation’ focused on youth

Discover the stories of Interreg projects and the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY)!

As we celebrate the European Year of Youth, Interact and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) share the stories of the Interreg youth volunteers, IVYs and other young people working in Interreg programmes.

From youth’s voices within the Youth Councils to their actions led in Interreg projects, young people are systematically involved in Interreg programmes and EU Macro-Regional Strategies.

Want to know more? Have a look and enjoy the reading.


1st Edition of the Stories of European Cooperation

2nd Edition of the Stories of European Cooperation