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Register to the 6th Alpine Region Energy Conference in Bolzano

  • 28 September 2022
Register to the 6th Alpine Region Energy Conference in Bolzano
2022 EUSALP Energy Conference in Bolzano, 11 October, NOI Techpark

The 6th Alpine Energy Conference is organized on 11 October 2022 in Bolzano/Bozen under the motto “Reliable, affordable and sustainable energy in the Alps”.

The conference is co-organized by the Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano/Bozen and Trento and represents a main event of the Italian Presidency.

Due to its geographical characteristics, the Alpine area plays an important role in energy supply in Europe. In the macro region, various territorial actors are carrying out joint actions to promote the energy transition at local, regional and transnational levels.

The conference will gather experts and decision-makers in the energy policy field to discuss how to deal with energy scarcity and rising energy prices in the Alpine area. It will also be the opportunity to present the EU actions taken to manage energy scarcity and to enhance energy self-sufficiency.

During the conference, the Italian Presidency will hand-over the EUSALP Energy Award to best practices in the Alps that succeeded in activating citizens and involving them in the energy transition through awareness-raising, participatory approaches and innovative financial models.

The event takes place both onsite and online with translation in Italian, German and English.

More information

Register here

More information

Website for the EUSALP Energy Award