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Meet the faces of Interreg Europe and their vision for interregional cooperation 2021-2027

  • 22 July 2022
Meet the faces of Interreg Europe and their vision for interregional cooperation 2021-2027

Whereas Europe is continent of diversity, when it comes to solving problems such as the current wildfires, a region in the Spain can face similar challenges as Croatia or Italy.

It is the EU’s approach to cooperate, especially in times of need and to share experiences and best practices to learn and grow together.

The recently adopted Interreg Europe Programme supports such interregional cooperation serving as a policy learning platform. With an EU contribution of over 379 MEUR and a total budget of over 477 MEUR, Interreg Europe will help local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policies on any topic within the scope of Cohesion Policy agenda for 2021-2027, to create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues and support the exchange of good practices. Beyond that, cooperation may also be supported on issues directly related to implementing policy instruments such as state aid, public procurement, territorial tools, financial instruments, and the evaluation of public policies. Eligible are Member States of the EU as well as Norway and Switzerland to apply to calls under this programme.

The first call has already been launched in May 2022 and received 134 project applications, currently under assessment. The first projects shall be approved by the end of 2022 to go over to the implementation phase as soon as possible in 2023.

Not convinced yet? Then let the faces behind the programme of Interreg Europe tell you more in the adoption video


The Interreg Europe Programme for the 2021-2027 programming period was adopted on 5 July 2022 and is part of the interregional cooperation strand of European territorial cooperation (Interreg strand C), which supports interregional cooperation to reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy. All official documents are available on the programme’s website.