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Eurostat 2021 Regional Yearbook

  • 10 September 2021
Eurostat 2021 Regional Yearbook

Eurostat published the 2021 Regional Yearbook. The publication contains regional statistics on the following topics: population, health, education, labour market, living conditions, digital society, economy, business, research and development, tourism, transport, environment and agriculture. Data covers EU Member States and, where available, EFTA and candidate countries.

The content is also available as a set of Statistics Explained articles, where the various infographics can be downloaded.

For more information about the 2021 Regional Yearbook and other publications and events, please see the “What’s new article”.

In addition, on 7 October, Eurostat will release the 2021 edition of the interactive publication, “Regions in Europe — statistics visualised”.

Finally, if you are interested in regional statistics, you may also want to register for the online presentation “Explore the statistics on your region!” on 12 October (more info) and the workshop “Factfulness – Data stories on regions, and urban and rural areas”, about the impact of the pandemic, on 13 October (more info). Eurostat is organising both in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC).

2021 Regional Yearbook