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Report “EUSAIR facilitating the enlargement process of the Western Balkans” is published!

  • 14 June 2021
Report “EUSAIR facilitating the enlargement process of the Western Balkans” is published!

The report “EUSAIR facilitating the enlargement process of the Western Balkans” examines the complementarities between the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian macro-region (EUSAIR) and the enlargement process to the Western Balkan countries participating in the EUSAIR.

The report has been written by OBC Transeuropa and CeSPI and been issued by the European Commission.

Compared  to  the  other  three  Macro-Regional Strategies (MRS),  the  EUSAIR  has  a  distinct  aspect. Five out of the nine participating  countries  are  candidate/potential  candidate  countries for EU membership, explaining why the EUSAIR  widely  acknowledges  the  centrality  of  the  enlargement  process  for  its actions. North Macedonia is the youngest member having joined EUSAIR in 2020 demonstrating its attractiveness for Western Balkan (WB) countries aspiring EU membership.

The connection between the EUSAIR and the EU enlargement process has been highlighted since the adoption of the EUSAIR in 2014 in its  Action Plan  and  Communication and  has  been  consistently mentioned  in  all  EUSAIR  Ministerial  Declarations.  The Commission, in its Third report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies , reiterated that “closer synergies with the enlargement process are key to supporting the EU perspective for the WB, in line with the EU priorities A stronger Europe in the world and the New enlargement methodology.

The report shows that the EUSAIR presents a number of assets in support of the enlargement process, such as:

  • a horizontal cooperation that  allows  greater  ownership  of  the  processes  by  the beneficiary countries;
  • a regional dimension that  connects  the  WB  to  the EU,  fostering  a  regional  sense  of identity that goes beyond the WB as well as a Europeanisation process;
  • a convergence of interests  on  enlargement,  which  is  a  priority  topic  across  the  four EU Member States that participate in the strategy;
  • a capacity-building approach, based  on  cooperation  in  different  fields  and  at  different levels,  which  enables  the  relaunch  of  enlargement  out  of  traditional  logics  and narratives;
  • an emphasis on territorial cooperation that stimulates positive dynamics between local authorities, the  private  sector,  and  other  relevant  stakeholders  at  the  local,  national, and transnational level;
  • an inclusive approach that empowers stakeholders as active participants in the macro-region.

Thus, the report discusses how the EUSAIR can contribute to the enlargement process focusing on four main aspects:

  • By easing the adoption of the acquis communautaire in the WB countries;
  • By fostering administrative capacity with grounded, evidence-based policies, especially generating cohesion competencies in the WB countries;
  • By offering a  framework  where  different  levels  (multi-level  governance),  processes, strategies, and funds (EU and non-EU) may converge;
  • By promoting a strong involvement of stakeholders and participatory policy-making that increase the accountability of governments and consolidate democracy.
  • Finally,  the  paper  makes  a  number  of  policy  recommendations to  support  the  integration process of the five Western Balkan countries participating in the EUSAIR. 

    The EUSAIR, launched in October 2014, covers a macro-region of more than 70 million people in four Member States (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and five countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) cooperating on equal footing to overcome common challenges in four pillars: Blue Growth, Connecting the Region (Transport and Energy), Environmental Quality and Sustainable Tourism.

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