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In this issue


Cohesion policy works — and must rise to new challenges

Cohesion policy is one of the most successful and important tools the EU has to strengthen democracy and integrate Member States. However, it needs to adapt to meet the needs of Europeans in an increasingly complex world participants said at the 9th Cohesion Forum held 11-12 April in Brussels.



Opening speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the 9th Just Transition Platform (JTP) Conference

"My key message to all of you today: we are all together. We know it is complex. But it can be done. We are listening to you, so we can make life easier for you, to help you to deliver. You are not alone’, Read the opening speech by Commissioner Ferreira at the 9th Just Transition Platform Conference.


Young people set the stage for an inclusive green transition at the #EUTeens4Green conference

On the 19 of April, the #EUTeens4Green closing conference took place in Brussels as part of this year's European Youth Week, to showcase projects developed by young people to ensure that the green transition takes place in a just and inclusive way.


Voices of young people: Apply to become a member of the EUSAIR Youth Council!

A call for applications is open to young people to express their interest in shaping the future of the Adriatic and Ionian Region.


ALCOTRA Youth Council 2024-2025: Help shape the future and reply to the call for applicants for the ALCOTRA Youth Council 2024-2025

The monitoring Committee for the 2021-2027 ALCOTRA France-Italy programme values the involvement of young people in overseeing the programme and in developing cross-border cooperation between France and Italy. The ALCOTRA Youth Council was established in July 2022 as a consultative body for the monitoring Committee.



Who is going to host the next #CitiesForum ?

It's official: the preparation of the 6th edition of the Cities Forum begins. The Cities Forum is the European Commission flagship event focusing on the urban dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy, organised by the European Urban Initiative. This is more than an opportunity to host; it's your chance to spotlight your city's achievements on a European stage, The application window is now OPEN, with a closing date of 13 May.



"Much more than a market" Enrico Letta presents report on Single Market at European Council

During the European council of the 17 and 18 April, Jacques Delors Institute President Enrico Letta presented his high-level report entitled ‘Much more than a market’ and asked the current and future Council presidencies to make progress on the report’s recommendations by the end of the year. Commissioner Ferreira reacted by highlighting the role of cohesion policy in ensuring a level playing field in the Single Market.

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See also Much More than a Market

Social Media Corner

Commissioner Ferreira's thoughts on Enrico Letta's "Much more than a market" report

Commissioner Ferreira welcomes Enrico Letta's report on how to strengthen and modernise the EU’s best asset: the single market (SM). “An effective cohesion policy (…) has always been, and will continue to be, a key condition for the success of the single market”. (read more on X)


What has Cohesion policy done for Cyprus?

Cyprus has benefited greatly from Cohesion policy funds since EU accession in 2004. This funding has supported the creation of some 5,000 new jobs and 1600+ enterprises. This is hard evidence that strategic funding brings tangible economic progress. (Read more on Commissioner Ferreira's X thread)


What has Cohesion policy done for the Netherlands?

The Netherlands as both contributed and benefited from European integration since the very beginning as one of its founding members. Since 1989, €6,287 billion from Cohesion policy has supported the Dutch economy & businesses and helped shape regional innovation policy. (Read Commissioner Ferreira's entire thread on X)


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