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In this issue


Cohesion policy powers EU circular economy shift

With a € 12.5 billion investment for 2021-2027, cohesion policy is powering Europe’s transition to a circular economy and helping countries find innovative ways to boost their waste management for a cleaner and more competitive future focused on jobs and sustainability.



New cohesion policy: MEPs assess previous period and identify new priorities

MEPs assess previous period and identify new priorities. An own-initiative report on the implementation of the cohesion policy in 2014-2020 in member states was approved with 433 votes for, 36 against and 51 abstentions.


College members participate in the European Summit of Regions and Cities from 18-19 March in Mons, Belgium

From 18-19 March, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič, Vice-Presidents Věra Jourová, Dubravka Šuica and Margaritis Schinas, and Commissioners Nicolas Schmit, Elisa Ferreira, Helena Dalli, Ylva Johansson, Janez Lenarčič, Olivér Várhelyi and Iliana Ivanova will participate in the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons, Belgium.


THOREAQ: EU-funded innovation hub for construction sector unveiled

THOREAQ, an innovative laboratory and testing place for the construction sector, was inaugurated on 19 of March in Genk, Belgium. This initiative, a collaboration between VITO and EnergyVille, supported by EUR 630 850 from the European Regional Development Fund, marks a new step towards achieving the European Green Deal's objectives.


Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle in EU Cohesion Policy

Webinar on Institutionalising citizen participation and deliberation in European cohesion policy - call for expression of interest remains open.


Social Media Corner

What has Cohesion policy done for Poland?

In 2024, Poland celebrates 20 years of EU membership. €157 billion in CohesionPolicy funding during this period contributed to a remarkable economic success: 🇵🇱 GDP/head jumped from 51.5% of EU average to 79% (2022). Have a look at some more concrete benefits. (See Commissioner Ferreira's entire thread on X)

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What has Cohesion policy done for Portugal?

Portugal benefitted from substantial economic support since accession to in 1986, thanks notably to #CohesionPolicy which helped to expand & modernise infrastructure, education, health, R&D, innovation, SMEs, professional training.(See Commissioner Ferreira's entire thread on X)

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More than €66 million in Cohesion Policy funds supported the development of the world’s first bioclimatic airport terminal in La Réunion

Today marks the inauguration of a new terminal in the Roland Garros Airport in La Réunion, France, which means that the region is now home to the world’s first bioclimatic airport terminal. Thanks to more than €66 million in support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the 2014 – 2020 programming period, this investment will support local economic growth, improve connectivity to this EU outermost region, and has contributed to the decarbonisation of infrastructure.


Almost €39 million in Cohesion Funds to upgrade wastewater treatment in Velika Gorica, Croatia

Today, the European Commission has approved almost €39 million in financing from the Cohesion Fund to improve the wastewater collection and treatment system in Velika Gorica, Croatia, which will benefit both the local population and the environment. The project will receive an additional support of €11.3 million from the Cohesion Fund before its overall conclusion, scheduled for Spring 2027.


Social inclusion and education in Hungary: 1.3 million participants in the activities of Human Resources Development Programme

The closing event ceremony for the 2014-20 Human Resources Development Programme recently occurred. This programme not only financed social inclusion and educational projects but also supported the purchase over 12 million doses of COVID vaccines in Hungary


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