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In this issue


The EU Solidarity Fund: a commitment to help

Since 2002, the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) plays a crucial role in providing financial support for post-disaster recovery. It focuses on natural disasters, but since 2020 also on major public health emergencies.



"Let us change our thinking, change our cities, and so change Europe" says Commissioner Ferreira

Read the speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the High-level event of the Belgian Presidency on European Urban Policy.


EU and Bulgarian Southern regions celebrating the achievements of Urban Development and Sustainable Cities

On January 25, the Urban Development Funds and Sustainable Cities Fund for Sofia and South Bulgaria celebrated the successful completion of the first investment cycle, marking an important milestone in the sustainable urban development of Bulgarian cities at a closing ceremony held in Sofia.



Join the European Summit of Regions and Cities

In a few weeks only, the city of Mons will welcome the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities, on 18-19 March 2024, as part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


How can cross-border disaster risk & crisis management enhance EU resilience?

Join us for the 16th edition of the Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate Series, where we will explore strategies to enhance disaster resilience and crisis management in EU border regions.


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