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REGIOFLASH: latest news on Regional and Urban Policy

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In this issue
Partnership principle underpins cohesion funding and synergies with other policies

The partnership principle acts as a reference to empower the European Commission and national authorities to jointly manage EU funds.

EU Cohesion Policy: €1.64 billion for a just climate transition in Czechia

Thanks to the Just Transition Fund (JTF) Programme adopted by the Commission today, Czechia will receive €1.64 billion in EU grants to support the country's efforts to phase out coal-fired power by 2033 and ensure a fair transition to climate neutrality.

URBACT IV: European Union support for Cities

The URBACT IV programme was officially adopted by the European Commission on 19 September 2022.

New European Bauhaus: additional lighthouse demonstrator project funded focusing on coastal areas

On September 27, the Commission announced the availability of funding for a sixth project under the call for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators' of the New European Bauhaus (NEB).

EUTeens4Green: become actors of the green transition

EUTeens4Green call for project proposals is open and gives the opportunity for young people to be actors of the green transition in Europe.

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#Youth4Coop - join Pitch Your Project 2022 to share your ideas for the Alpine Region

The European Commission is delivering 3 prizes to the most voted projects for the benefit of the Alpine Region.

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Sustainable Urban Development Strategies: join the peer review workshop for managing authority by 10 October

Are you a Local or Managing Authority planning a SUD strategy (art. 11 ERDF/CF) for the 2021-2027 programming period? DG-REGIO together with JRC are planning a peer review for the beginning of 2023. The peer-review workshop will offer you the opportunity to discuss and learn with peers how to improve SUD strategies. The activity is part of the European Urban Initiative in 2021-2027 Cohesion policy. To express your interest please fill the survey in the link.

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