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European Commission Regional and Urban Policy
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Panorama 59: EU contribution strengthens UN global urban agenda
Welcome to the Winter 2016 edition of Panorama. In this issue Commissioner Corina Creţu takes stock of the achievements of 2016 and looks ahead to the challenges for 2017. Our main feature looks at the EU's participation in the recent Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, which allowed for the sharing of experiences from around the world in the domain of sustainable urban development. We review this year's successful European Week of Regions and Cities, reveal some of the key findings of the ex-post evaluation of the 2007-2013 funding period, and look forward to the future of the Baltic Region Strategy. Our in-depth look at one region this time features the newly-created French region Grand Est, with an interview with the region's president and a selection of recent successful projects, and In Your Own Words features contributions from Poland, Italy, Romania and the Netherlands.
Ex Post Evaluation shows the positive impact of Cohesion Policy
A recently-finalised Ex Post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy interventions in 2007 – 2013 has shown the extent to which EU investments have helped create jobs and growth over the past seven years. The evaluation, carried out by independent experts, focused on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund.
The Urban Agenda for the EU: four new partnerships on the economy, digital transition, jobs, and transport
The EU's Urban Agenda helps European cities voice their concerns during the development of policies which affect them, such as jobs, mobility, air quality or social inclusion. Thanks to their participation in thematic partnerships on an equal footing with national and local authorities, EU institutions, associations and other concerned parties, towns can promote best practice and proposals for improving the lives of their citizens. Four new partnerships have been launched this month.
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