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Food, bio-economy, natural resources, agriculture and environment


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339 projects proposals submitted to protect biodiversity, boost circular economy and address pollution in soils, air, and water

The three calls for proposals closed on 28 March. Applicants have requested €1.88 billion. The available budget for the three calls for funding is €442 million. The top represented countries in the project proposals submitted are Romania, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Some applicants come from Ukraine, Turkey, Tunisia, and Iceland. Evaluations are in progress. Successful projects will be informed around mid-August.

Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal: projects selection at the horizon!

Following the end of the call, on 23 March, there were 68 submitted proposals, with a EUR 307 million requested budget. The successful applicants will be announced by mid-July 2023, after a thorough expert evaluation planned for April-May 2023. The funded projects are expected to start their research as of December.

Sign the Mission Soil Manifesto

Become a friend of the Soil mission and join the cause by signing the newly launched Mission Soil Manifesto co-created by the EU Commission and The European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN). You can contribute as a legal entity (municipality, region, private or public company or organisation, education or research institution, association) or as an individual. After joining you have first-hand access to knowledge on soil health and the mission, as well as meet with and learn from others.

Mission Soil: three calls open now! Discover EU funding opportunities

Help improve soil literacy and awareness on soil health by applying to these three ongoing calls: EU Mission - A Soil Deal for Europe, EU Missions Ocean & waters and Soil and EU Missions Climate, Oceans & waters and Soil. The joint EU funding budget available is EUR 157 million. Submit your application by 20 and 23 of September and join the mission to restore and protect our soil!

Be the next winner of an EU Organic award

It's time to acknowledge different actors along the organic value chain that have developed an innovative, sustainable and inspiring project resulting in real added value for organic food production and consumption. The EU Organic Awards is waiting for your proposals for the second edition of the competition by 14 May 2023.

Supporting and developing scenarios and models of desirable futures for people with IPBES

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) invites the scientific community, in particular indigenous peoples and local communities, to the 10th session of the Plenary on 28 August-2 September 2023, in Bonn, Germany. The opportunities and limits of the Nature Futures Framework (NFF) will be discussed. NFF is a flexible tool that supports the development of scenarios and models of desirable futures for people, nature and Earth.

Projects results
April is the Citizen Science Month

Every year, in April, we celebrate and encourage the many ways citizens can contribute to the scientific work of researchers. To mark the occasion, we selected four EU funded research projects that are actively contributing to the citizen science knowledge base through Horizon 2020. Discover REA-managed projects YouCount, EnviroCitizen, ALLINTERACT, and JoinUs4Health.

EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023

The EU Guiding Principles for Knowledge Valorisation is the new pan-European initiative to turn research and innovation results into solutions more effectively through brand-new European Codes of Practice on intellectual assets management and standardisation. Register and join a forum of experience exchanges, novelty discoveries and peer learning to turn research and innovation results into real-life solutions.

date 25/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
EU Open Doors Day 2023

On 6 May, the European Commission opens its doors. This year, researchers from Spain, Belgium and Germany will be in the Green Europe village to showcase their projects, preparing experiments and other interactive activities. Join us and learn more about EU-funded research and innovation and the projects REA manages.

date 06/05/2023 - 06/05/2023
EU AgriResearch Conference 2023

This year, the focus will be on the future of the EU agricultural research and innovation agenda. The participants will engage with scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policymakers, citizens and NGO representatives – ready to provide an overview on their achievements. Register by 1 May and join the conversation!

date 31/05/2023 - 01/06/2023

This is the newsletter of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.
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The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Please read the privacy statement

ISSN: 2600-5522