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Adjustments to the indexation of pensions in June


date:  07/07/2022

Dear Madam,

Dear Sir,

Please note that some additional adjustments need to be made to certain pensions as a follow-up to the mid-year indexation in June 2022. These adjustments concern correction coefficients or exchange rates, and do not affect the fixed pension increase of 2.4%.

You are not required to take any action. If necessary, adjustments to your pension will be made automatically, depending on your place of residence and the currency in which your pension is paid.

Pensioners residing outside the European Union (except for UK) are not affected by these corrections.

Pensioners residing in the Eurozone (except for Germany) are not affected by these corrections.

If you reside outside the Eurozone, in Germany, or in the UK, the adjustments to your pension will be as follows:

  • For pensions paid outside the Eurozone, including the UK, with correction coefficient applying

During the 2022 interim update, an error relating to the exchange rates used for payments outside the Eurozone was detected. In accordance with Article 63 of the Staff Regulations, the exchange rates applicable on 1 July 2021 and not on 1 January 2022 should have been used. A correction will be made on the July 2022 payment with retroactive effect to 1 January 2022.

  • For pensions paid in the UK without correction coefficient

UK pensions without correction coefficient paid in GBP are not affected by this correction.  In accordance with Article 45 of Annex VIII, the most recent exchange rates used for the implementation of the general budget of the European Union (monthly rate) must be used.

  • For pensions paid in Germany with correction coefficient applying

During the 2022 interim update, the German pension coefficient has not been adjusted in accordance with Eurostat calculations (decrease from 101.3 to 100).  A correction will be made on the July 2022 payment, with retroactive effect to 1 January 2022.

We thank you for your understanding and remain available to answer any questions sent to