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Transforming Europe: The New European Bauhaus and Social Economy Integration


date:  01/07/2024

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social economy enterprises are essential for embodying NEB principles through community engagement and fair economic practices. The SEA4NEB project, part of Diesis's involvement with NEB, has highlighted six initiatives (Youth Center in Split, Living Factory in Poland, Luznava Manor in Latvia, the "Whole Village" in Romania, and social economy clusters in Messina and Ploucs) that align with NEB values in urban and rural settings.

These projects emphasize collaboration, community engagement, and social cohesion and demonstrate the positive impacts of creative and cultural activities on local development, especially in rural areas where social economy organizations meet local needs and promote sustainable growth. 

The project recommends that EU and national policymakers support partnerships between public institutions and social economy actors to amplify NEB's impact. This would promote collaborative frameworks that integrate localized strategies with systemic thinking, ensuring that regeneration initiatives have transformative effects on a larger scale. 

More information is available on Dorotea's blog on the NEB Community platform (follow these steps if you don't have access to the platform).