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NEB Local chapters: Share your feedback and proposals


date:  11/04/2023

Last week we launched a consultation on the NEB Local Chapters concept note. The concept note is based on the inputs from the NEB community and describes:

✔️ Key principles guiding the operation of NEB Local Chapters;
✔️ Role of NEB Local Chapters;
✔️ Support for NEB Local Chapters.

But the co-design process is not over. We want to hear from you. Tell us what you think about the NEB Local Chapter concept and how you think we can improve it further.

You can contribute to the second co-design phase by:
👉 Commenting and editing (pleas use track changes) the concept note or;
👉 Summarize your feedback and proposal(s) in a note.

Please share your feedback (in any form) by sending it to Borut Cink until 21 April 2023

Many thanks to everyone that have already contributed to the co-design process.