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Mediterranean Regional Platform: Key discussion for the implementation of the employment and labour declaration

Representatives of 20 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) met in Berlin on 30 November and 1 December 2023, at the 15th Regional Platform on Employment and Labour. The discussion involved representatives of social partners and focused on youth employment as well as on the state-of-play of the implementation of the 2022 UfM Marrakech Ministerial Declaration.

See also Mediterranean Regional Platform
Contact Anne-France WITTMANN

Toward EU-Mediterranean Clean Tech Partnerships: Launch of the MED-GEM’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB)

The inaugural meeting of the MED-GEM Industry Advisory Board (IAB) on December 20, 2023, marked a significant milestone in advancing sustainable growth in the Green Electrons and Molecules (GEM) industry across Mediterranean partner countries. The IAB discussed pivotal themes such as infrastructure, financing, certification, workforce development, and local value creation.

See also The MED-GEM’s Industry Advisory Board ...
Contact Milou BEEREPOOT

Webinar on women in fintech helps break down gender barriers

The webinar “Women in Fintech: Bridging the Gender Gap”, organised by Union for the Mediterranean with the financial support of GIZ, was held on 30 November 2023, allowing 40 online participants to engage with and delve into the challenges and opportunities for Women in Fintech.

See also Women in Fintech in the Mediterranean
Contact Anne-France WITTMANN

First visit of the Libyan anti-narcotics agency to the EMCDDA

The Libyan Narcotics and Psychotropic Drug Control Agency, placed under the authority of the Ministry of Interior, paid a visit to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) headquarters in Lisbon. Leaderships of both institutions discussed strategic future cooperation in the framework of the EU4Monitoring Drugs regional programme.

See also Libyan anti-narcotics agency pays first ...
Contact Justine BELAID

Contribution to the development of a joint public and private roadmap to reduce the use of single-use plastic in Jordan

The "Contribution to the development of a joint public-private roadmap to reduce the use of single-use plastics in Jordan" was put in place by the “Water and Environment Support (WES)" in the ENI Southern Neighborhood region to support Green economy and investment in the waste sector in Jordan.

See also Contribution to the development of a joi...
Contact Frederic FOURTUNE

Featured project

The EBSOMED project is coming to an end !

This video encapsulates the essence of EBSOMED project's journey which had helped for 4 years enhancing business support organisations and business networks in the Southern Neighbourhood. This Reportage is coming as a conclusion highlighting key moments from the final event and key testimonials for the beneficiaries as a reflection of the spirit and achievements of the EBSOMED project.

See also Video of the EBSOMED project
Contact Liisa TANTTARI

Towards a new phase of cooperation to fight cybercrime

On 14 December 2023, the project CyberSouth, implemented since 2017 by the Council of Europe, held in Bucharest its closing event in the framework of the OCTOPUS Conference on cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence. An important stoke-taking moment, the event was also the opportunity to open a bridge to the new phase of this joint EU/Council of Europe initiative, starting in January 2024.

See also OCTOPUS Conference 2023
Contact Justine BELAID

Mashrek and Maghreb clusters meetings: enhancing collaboration for technology and innovation development

The regional meetings took place on 23 and 24 January 2024, an occasion for partners and clusters to play a vital role in formulating recommendations and acting as the foundation for country-specific public-private policy dialogues.

See also Euromed Clusters Forward
Contact Virginie COSSOUL


Training – Export preparation and access to the EU market

date 27/02/2024 - 28/02/2024
venue Online
Contact Virginie COSSOUL

B2B – Inter-cluster collaboration for the development of Euromed value chains in partnership with ACCIÓ

date 20/03/2024 - 21/03/2024
venue Online
Contact Virginie COSSOUL

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