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Launch of the Impact Together! regional project at the Impact Week in Torino, 22 & 23 November 2023

The last 22 and 23 November took place the Launching of the Impact Together! Project, in Torino, during the Impact Week 2023. This regional project which the main goal is to support social economy in the Southern Neighborhood, was launched in presence of the DG NEAR and 50 partners. An occasion to exchange on the project and social economy in the region, in an event gathering more than 800 actors and experts.

See also Impact Week in Torino 2023
Contact Virginie COSSOUL

Mediterranean Social Partners meet to discuss social dialogue practices and the future of the region

The last 21 and 22 November took place the 5th Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Social Dialogue Forum in Marseille, where Mediterranean Social Partners met to discuss social dialogue practices and the future of the region about common interest subjects as social dialogue, inclusion, digital transitions and other subjects that gathered them to dialogue together.

See also 5th Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) So...
Contact Emmanuelle ROURE

Civil society facility for the Mediterranean meets with EU Delegations and its partners in Tunisia

The last 21 and 22 November the the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean (CSFM) met in Tunisia with EU Delegation and the local civil society partners to exchange on the current situation in Tunisia, especially about the topics of the regional structured dialogue.

See also The Civil Society Facility for the Medit...
Contact Kristina PRUNEROVA

SAFIR closing conference in Paris

The SAFIR Project held its closing conference in Paris the last 16 to 18 November coming after 4 years of exchange, supports and meetings about social economy in the Southern Neighborhood.

See also The SAFIR Project
Contact Virginie COSSOUL

COP28 Side Event organized by DG NEAR : "High level roundtable on a Euro-Mediterranean cleantech cooperation"

The next 2 December, at the COP28 in Dubai, at the EU Pavilion, a High level roundtable with the presence of the European Commission Executive Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič, will take place on the Euro-Mediterranean cleantech cooperation. An occasion to exchange on the potential and opportunities for the development of a cleantech cooperation within the Mediterranean region.

date 02/12/2023
Registration COP28 Platform
Contact Cristina CASELLA

Blue Mediterranean Partnership Event at the COP28

The next 2 December, at the Swedish Pavilion of the COP28 in Dubai, will took place the Signing ceremony of the Blue Mediterranean Partnership (BMP), a side event organized by the EU to sign the Statement of Intent of this partnership.

See also Blue Mediterranean Partnership
Contact Frederic FOURTUNE

Featured project

EU-funded project El-Hiwar III | Thematic Workshop on Green Transition and Climate Change

The last 20 and 21 November, leaders and experts convened for a pivotal online workshop on Green Transition and Climate Change, organized by the College of Europe under the EU-funded El-Hiwar III project. LAS and EU collaboration centered on aligning with the European Green Deal and preparing for COP 28. Discussions on greener finance, investment, and research collaborations provided a foundation for future LAS-EU cooperation. The workshop's success, rooted in practical contributions, signifies a shared commitment to a more sustainable future as we approach COP 28.

See also EU-funded project El-Hiwar III
Contact Beatrice GRIFONI

The second Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting 2023 of the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean

From the last 13 to the 15 November, the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean met for the second Project Steering Committee in Brussels in order to meet with a number of EU Institutional Stakeholders and exchange on the current situation in the civil society in the Mediterranean region.

See also The Civil Society Facility for the Medit...
Contact Kristina PRUNEROVA

SAFEMED V Project – 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

The last 22 November, the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the SAFEMED V Project took place gathering several countries from the South Mediterranean region and several DG's from the European Commission, as well as regional organizations and actors, to discuss the results of the project and to present the plan for the upcoming years.

See also SAFEMED V Project
Contact Vadim DELEU

Knowledge Transfer Program on Enabling Energy in Buildings and Appliances in Spain - meetMED Project

The last 06-07 November took place a "Knowledge Transfer Program on Enabling Energy in Buildings and Appliances" aiming to enrich national policymakers and key stakeholders of the Mediterranean region through the EU expertise and experience.

See also Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency i...
Contact Cristina CASELLA

Launching of the Trainning Curriculum Development Working Group by MOMENTUM on the 16 November 2023

The last 16 November, the team MOMENTUM launched the Training Curriculum Development Working Group with 14 representatives from 6 law enforcement agencies from the region among them Tunisia, Algeria, Maroc, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. A launching initiate the start of meetings to improve their training related competencies through exchange of experiences.

Contact Justine BELAID


8th Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean

date 26/11/2023 - 27/11/2023
Registration 8th Regional Forum of the UfM
Contact Stefano DOTTO

COP28 Side Event organized by DG NEAR : "High level roundtable on a Euro-Mediterranean cleantech cooperation"

date 02/12/2023
Contact Cristina CASELLA

Blue Mediterranean Partnership Event at the COP28

date 02/12/2023
Contact Frederic FOURTUNE

UfM Trade and Investment Forum

date 04/12/2023
venue Brussels, Belgium
Registration UfM T&I Forum
Contact Giacomo Bogo

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