European Commission LOGO


27 July 2018

In this issue

In focus

2018 awards hail road safety heroes

The annual Excellence in Road Safety Awards on 26 June 2018 showcased six inspiring initiatives from France, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom aimed at reducing risks on Europe’s roads – and ultimately saving lives.

3rd Mobility package : Main road safety measures

The European Commission adopted a wide-ranging ‘Europe on the Move’ package in May. Specific to road safety, it includes a new 2021-2030 policy framework, an action plan, two legislative initiatives and a strategy for automated mobility.

Road Safety Award winners

VOZIM, Slovenia

Rewarded for successfully addressing an important societal problem: young people who drink and drive.

Association Prévention Routière, France

Rewarded for its highly innovative way of helping municipalities implement their own tailor-made road safety actions and its ambition to create a nationwide network.

CSW Online, United Kingdom

Rewarded for raising the profile and effectiveness of Community Speedwatch as a way for residents to support the police in tackling local issues.

Aigua de Rigat SA, Spain

Rewarded for the comprehensiveness and preventive nature of its company-wide road safety strategy.

Concello de Naron, Spain

Rewarded for its innovative way of using participation to bolster safety on the roads of an entire community.

KTI Research Institute, Hungary

Rewarded for its professional educational approach developed by using scientific accident analysis and the help of experienced trainers.


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