European Commission LOGO


4 June 2018

In this issue

In the spotlight

New approach to safety of small passenger ships

Recently, we adopted a proposal to coordinate safety rules for small passenger ships (length below 24 meters). It is the first time a common safety framework for all small passenger ships is presented at EU level. The proposal recommends Member States to follow common safety goals and functional requirements for small passenger ships - such as for ship design, fire hazards and emergency situations. These requirements, if endorsed by Member States, will provide a common level of safety for passengers sailing domestically and facilitate access for manufacturers and operators to the wider EU market. The proposal follows on the review of EU rules on passenger ship safety and the recommendation of the fitness check to develop a new, performance based approach to the safety of small passenger ships.

More news

Commissioner's corner

Showcasing new automated emergency braking systems

Showcasing new automated emergency braking systems that the @EU_Commission proposed to make mandatory for all new cars of all price categories in our Third #MobilityPackage last week. #RoadSafety #MobilityEU

Transport tweet of the week

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The EU is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from #EUTransport. The #mobilityEU initiative on new labelling for tyres will contribute to this goal!!ct83Qn #ClimateAction #CleanEnergyEU #energylabel #EUecodesign

Figure of the month

5700 new jobs

5700 new jobs could be created by 2023 in the prospect of a successful EU-ASEAN aviation agreements. In the framework of the Aviation Strategy for Europe, the EU negotiates new EU-level agreements with several countries and regions in the world to improve market access.

Transport and You


More on transport

A Road Transport Strategy for Europe

Aviation Strategy

Search banned airlines

2018 - Year of Multimodality

Transport R&I Monitoring and Information System

Atlas of the Sky

Interactive Tentec map

Passenger rights App

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