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10 November 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

Energy Union: Commission takes action to reinforce EU's global leadership in clean vehicles

Earlier this week we presented the Clean Mobility Package. It included implementing the EU's commitments under the Paris Agreement for a binding domestic CO2 reduction of at least 40% till 2030. At the same time as the international climate conference takes place in Bonn, the Commission is showing that the EU is leading by example.

More news

Commissioner's corner

Commissioner Bulc's speech at the Digital Transport Days in Tallinn

I have no doubt that we will make a few empty runs along the way. However, curiosity will lead us forward, and the most important thing is to enjoy the ride as we continue to move to our destination.


Transport tweet of the week

Mobility Package

Despite all its positives, transport has a massive negative impact on climate & air quality. This is why today we are proposing the #mobilityEU package:!jh83bV

Figure of the month


40% is the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2030 (from 1990 levels)

We were asked about...

Car sharing

Question E-005374/2017 to the Commission by Roberta Metsola (PPE)

A US study from May 2017 entitled ‘Three Revolutions in Urban Transportation’ suggests that the global car fleet could be reduced by one third if car sharing schemes were widely adopted. Another study, published by the International Transport Forum in July 2016 and based on research undertaken in Lisbon, shows that shared mobility could help to remove 90 % of vehicles from the road.

Following the information provided in Written Question E-008928/2016, will the Commission take this new research into account with a view to taking more initiatives to promote car sharing in Europe?

Answer given by Commissioner Bulc on behalf of the Commission

Shared use mobility has reported a number of environmental, social and transportation related benefits. Cost savings and convenience are frequently cited as popular reasons for shifting to a shared use mode. Shared use modes can also extend the area covered by public transport, bridging gaps in existing transportation networks and encouraging multimodality by addressing first and last mile transport. The Commission is actively promoting shared modes as part of Sustainable Urban Mobility planning. Multimodality and car sharing services are also promoted through the European Mobility Week campaign, through the exchange of best practices among cities and through various support actions. The Commission is also looking into the concept of Mobility as a service (Maas) offering personalised mobility based on lifestyle needs and delivered through an IT model, where sharing is one essential component. The digital concept is playing an important role and will be an enabler for enhanced multimodality, e.g. through the implementation of multimodal travel information services. An European Parliament pilot study will start in 2018 on sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of smart rural transport areas).

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