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27 October 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

Maritime Transport: final adoption of the Passenger Ship Safety package

The European Commission welcomes the final adoption by the Council of the EU of three legal texts that simplify and improve passenger ship safety. The adopted package ensures that the rules are clear, proportionate and deliver a common level of safety for EU citizens. For example, once fully implemented by Member States, all competent authorities will have immediate access to passenger data in case of emergency and all passenger ships longer than 24 meters made of steel and aluminium will be built according to common European safety standards

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Commissioner's corner

Commissioner Violeta Bulc to the Houses of the Oireachtas in Dublin

Transport is responsible for about a quarter of emissions within the EU and it is the second biggest emitter just behind energy. We need an energy-efficient, decarbonised transport sector. The Commission's Low-Emission Mobility Strategy launched last year is very ambitious and will be implemented this year through various new measures designed to give confidence to industry, investors and consumers to invest and roll out new technology.


Transport tweet of the week

Air Traffic Management performance review

DG Hololei & DG of @Eurocontrol Frank Brenner sign contract for support to Air Traffic Management performance review #AviationStrategyEU

Figure of the month

€30 billion

The Commission announced today how it will how it will spend €30 billion of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme for the period 2018-2020.

We were asked about...

Mutual recognition of eco-stickers

Question for written answer E-005106/2017 to the Commission

Axel Voss (PPE)

In many of the Member States there are now, in addition to vignettes, eco-stickers and emissions stickers to regulate vehicle access to different low-emission zones. For EU citizens travelling within the EU, this means a considerable administrative burden and in practical terms leads to problems of windscreen space for cars when vignettes are also used. The common emissions standards in the EU mean mean that comparability for cars within the EU should not be a problem.

Will the Commission answer the following questions on this matter:

  • Is the Commission planning to put forward proposals for a common system of eco-stickers or rules for the mutual recognition of eco-stickers throughout the EU?
  • If not, why not, and what alternatives does it envisage?


Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission  (3.10.2017)

The Commission has launched a detailed study on access regulations, including for low emission zones, which will also identify best practices. The results should be published in the autumn of 2017.

The study shows that there are different ways in which low emission zones can be enforced, beyond using manual stickers, for example through technological solutions.

Further Commission activities to be deployed in 2018 will build on the outcome of this study, of course taking into account subsidiarity principles. The Commission's primary role remains to facilitate exchange of information and of good practices, supporting cross-border cooperation, the harmonisation of practices, and the interoperability of intelligent transport systems.

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