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18 July 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

We will return in the beginning of September

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Western Balkans Summit 2017: delivering for the region

The EU Presidency and the Commission co-signed, on behalf of the Union, the Transport Community Treaty with 5 Western Balkan partners on Wednesday 12 July. This achievement will pave the way for infrastructure improvements and better quality transport services throughout the region. The Transport Community Treaty will help put into action reforms affecting people's everyday lives, for instance in the field of road safety. By providing more stability, it will also attract new investors in the region and add to its economic growth. Finally, this Treaty will help the Western Balkan countries align their national transport laws with those of the EU, thereby strengthening neighbourly relations, promoting cross-border cooperation and ultimately bringing these countries closer to the European Union.

More news

Commissioner's corner

Speech by Commissioner Bulc at the Single European Rail Area Convention

My vision for rail is that it becomes the backbone of decarbonised, sustainable, integrated and multimodal Transport Union in order to serve the needs of people and businesses. Today we are building on a series of five regional conferences that have taken place in 5 European cities to discuss the implementation of the technical pillar of the 4th Railway Package. The common thread that emerged from these conferences is the willingness of all stakeholders to work together to ensure its timely delivery. The Commission stands ready to support you in order to make the implementation of the 4th Railway Package a success.


We were asked about...

Free rail travel for young people

Question for written answer E-002983/2017 to the Commission

Ivan Štefanec (PPE)

What progress has been made with the proposal to give young people free rail travel within the EU? In the Commission’s view, could it be made a reality?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (12.7.2017)

The Honourable Member is informed that, as detailed in the press communication of 27 March and on the webpage dedicated to the initiative, the Commission launched the related pilot action "Move2Learn, Learn2Move". To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ Programme, the action offers in 2017 young people active in eTwinning projects an opportunity to travel and meet their peers as part of their learning experience. The action is funded by the Erasmus+ programme with a budget of EUR 2.5 million and will cover between 5.000 and 7.000 students.

The pilot action is open to students aged 16 or more currently participating to eTwinning projects under Erasmus+, provided that these projects meet the quality and social inclusion award criteria outlined in the press communication. The selected students will travel individually or in group (class trips, which will be given priority).

The pilot action includes all modes of public transport, not only rail, and the majority of the trips will be multimodal. The project also raises awareness regarding carbon footprint as CO2 emissions are one of the criteria which must be taken into account for choosing the itinerary and modes of transport. Finally, a number of transport operators are supporting the action in the form of reduced prices for the participants.

The Commission will assess the 2017 initiative and may, without any detrimental effect on the Erasmus+ budget and using input from this assessment, consider a similar initiative in the future.

Transport tweet of the week


#EuropeanMobilityWeek 2017 will take place on 16-22 September. Cities & towns can register here: @mobilityweek

Figure of the month


68 Projects have so-far applied for funding for under the CEF Transport Blending call.

Transport and You


16 - 22 September 2017


21 - 22 September 2017

Connecting Europe Conference

27 - 29 September 2017


More on transport

A Road Transport Strategy for Europe

Aviation Strategy

Search banned airlines

Transport infographics

Energy Modelling: EU Reference scenario

EU Transport Scoreboard

Interactive Tentec map

Passenger rights App

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