European Commission LOGO


30 June 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

European Aviation: flying high for the past 25 years

On Monday 26 June DG MOVE launched a campaign to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the EU aviation market. The web page with information and communication material is at:!Jq66Mv. Many airlines, airports, European Institutions, associations joined in the #EUAviation25 thread on Twitter and other social networks. Anyone in the aviation community and beyond are welcome to join the campaign. For more info write to:

More news

Commissioner's corner

Speech by Commissioner Bulc at the ETSC Road Safety PIN Awards 2017

The European Union has a clear vision: to halve the number of road deaths by 2020, although reaching this target has become very challenging. After two years of stagnation in reducing road fatalities, Europe is showing positive trend of a 2% decrease for the year 2016. That being said, there is much more to do. 70 people a day still lose their lives, and many more are seriously injured, therefore it is necessary that to keep road safety high up on the political priority list.


We were asked about...

High-speed trains

Question for written answer E-002761/2017 to the Commission

Florent Marcellesi (Verts/ALE)

In Spain, and in view of the applicability of EU Regulation No 1315/2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, plans have been made to build several kilometres of high-speed train lines, in many cases, with no alternative means being provided for the conventional transport for passengers and/or goods.

Does the Commission know whether these high-speed train lines, which do not take into account the transport of goods, are in line with the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2050?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (27.6.2017)

New high speed railway lines, many of which allow for both passenger transport and transport of goods, reduce the demand for CO2 emitting road transport.

New high speed lines free capacities on the conventional railway lines thus allowing a shift from road transport of goods to transport by rail which leads to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, it is worth noticing that on several connections along the network, the high speed railway services have completely replaced air transport connections.

Transport tweet of the week

Transport tweet

Air travel revolution - today air #travel is affordable, safer & w/ lots of destinations thanks to #EUAviation25!Jq66Mv

Figure of the month

152 projects

The European Commission is proposing to invest €2.7 billion in 152 key transport projects following the CEF 2016 call.

Transport and You


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Energy Modelling: EU Reference scenario

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