European Commission LOGO


16 June 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

Aviation: An Open and Connected Europe for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Global Leadership

The European Commission has delivered on its ambitious Aviation Strategy for Europe by adopting a series of measures to further support open and connected aviation markets in the European Union and beyond. These initiatives aim to safeguard competition and connectivity in aviation, facilitate investments into European airlines and enhance the efficiency and connectivity of European skies. This will reinforce the competitiveness of European aviation, which is a strong driver of job creation, economic growth and trade. Open and connected aviation markets offer better value flights to a greater choice of travel destinations worldwide.

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Commissioner's corner

Violeta Bulc

I have a vision that cycling becomes central to transport in the future, especially in urban areas. Cycling is good for the planet, good for your health and often the fastest way from A to B! To ensure the current resurgence of cycling continues, action at all levels is needed. The Commission will therefore continue supporting cycling wherever it can.

Transport tweet of the week

Clean Transport Facility

The Clean Transport Facility (CTF) supports the deployment of cleaner transport vehicles & infrastructure: #InvestEU

Figure of the month


200 years ago, on the 12th of June, Karl Drais presented the Laufmaschine, a predecessor of the modern bike, and performed the first confirmed bike trip in Mannheim, Germany

We were asked about...

European data exchange in the context of low-emission zones

Question for written answer E-001693/2017 to the Commission

Ivo Belet (PPE) and Wim van de Camp (PPE)

To improve the air quality in urban environments, more than 225 low-emission zones have already been implemented in 14 European Member States to regulate access by the most-polluting vehicles.

Control takes place through direct police checks on the street or, in many cases, by means of automatic number-plate control.

To create a level playing field, automatic number-plate control also registers foreign number plates. In the case of infringements, information must however be exchanged with the country in question.

Directive 2011/82/EU organises cross-border data exchange in the case of traffic offences, but does not provide a European framework for data exchange with regard to infringements in the scope of low-emission zones. What initiatives can the Commission and Member States take in the short term to facilitate the exchange of data pertaining to infringements in the context of low-emission zones? Within what time frame does the Commission envisage doing so?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (18.5.2017)

The Commission has commissioned a study on Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVAR) which should be completed by summer 2017. One of the topics being examined is "Enforcement of UVAR across Europe", and the Commission will consider further options on the basis of those findings, including how to facilitate the exchange of data in the context of low-emission zones.

Transport and You


16 - 22 September 2017


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