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2 June 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

Europe on the Move: Commission takes action for clean, competitive and connected mobility

The European Commission is taking action for a fundamental modernisation of European mobility and transport. The aim is to help the sector to stay competitive in a socially fair transition towards clean energy and digitalisation.

More news

Commissioner's corner

Commissioner Bulc announces the creation of a European Ports Forum during her speech at the Annual ESPO Conference (02/06/2017)

We need to find ways to work together to define common goals, strategies and agree on joint actions. To help the ports community, we have decided to create a European Ports Forum. It will be composed of national authorities but also of representatives of all the parties working, investing and innovating in ports.

Transport tweet of the week

Mobility Package

Cleaner air in Gelderland NE thanks to greener buses w/ EU support! Bus only emits H20💧 #MobilityEU #investEU 🚌!Qu78Ut

Figure of the month

The Road Transport sector directly employs around 5 million Europeans

We were asked about...

Validity of national driving licences in EU Member States

Question for written answer P-001445/2017 to the Commission

Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE) and Jozo Radoš (ALDE)

Further to enquiries from a number of fellow Croats living in Member States other than Croatia, can the Commission answer the following question:

What kind of rules govern the validity of driving licences issued in one Member State while the holders are resident in another Member State?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (10.4.2017)

According to Article 2(1) of the Directive on driving licences the document issued by Member States has to be mutually recognised to enable the holder of a valid driving licence to drive in any Member State with the licence as long as it remains valid.

However, from 19 January 2013 Member States have to apply an administrative validity for the driving licences, which can be at most 15 years. In case the driving licence does not display the administrative validity period as stipulated by the Directive, the host Member State can request the renewal of a valid national driving licence two years after the holder of the document took up normal residence. By renewing the driving licence, the host Member State can apply the administrative validity periods introduced by the Directive on new documents.

Furtermore if the holder of a valid national driving licence has taken up normal residence in another Member State, he/she may request the driving licence to be exchanged for an equivalent licence.

Transport and You


16 - 22 September 2017


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