European Commission LOGO


28 April 2017

In this issue

In the spotlight

EU invests €22.1 million to support sustainable, efficient transport and energy infrastructure

EU countries have approved the European Commission's proposal to invest €22.1 million to support seven actions that will help develop sustainable and efficient transport and energy infrastructure.

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Commissioner's corner

Commissioner Violeta Bulc's opening Speech at the Noise in Europe conference

Let me be very clear – I am fully aware of the side effects the success of transport brings, and noise is one of them. And while there is more and more awareness about the impact of transport on climate change, we still have work to do about the impact of noise! (…) More than 100 million citizens in the EU are affected and noise is the 2nd environment and health burden after bad air quality. A massive 15,900 premature deaths alone each year are associated to high noise levels.

Transport tweet of the week

What's your solution for cleaner & better mobility? Enter the Transport Innovation Challenge #EUTransportInnovator 💡

Figure of the month



projects will be supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to develop sustainable and efficient transport and energy infrastructure.

We were asked about...

Electric vehicle charging stations

Question asked by Viorica Dăncilă (S&D)

In line with the EU objective of reducing pollution at European level, manufacturers are seeking to develop new types of automobile that are less pollutant or powered by electricity.  

The main problem currently arising in this connection is the effective range of such vehicles, coupled with the need for an adequate network of battery charging stations.

In view of this:

How does the Commission intend assist local and regional authorities and public-private partnerships in making the necessary infrastructures available to the public within the Member States?

Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the Commission (10.03.2017)

The Commission has set up the 'Sustainable Transport Forum' expert group to discuss the deployment of the necessary infrastructure and implementation of concrete initiatives under the alternative fuels infrastructure Directive 2014/94/EU. In line with this directive, Member States are due to ensure that by 2020 publicly accessible recharging points are built with adequate coverage, in order to enable electric vehicles to circulate at least in urban/suburban agglomerations. Public authorities are encouraged to take measures to ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is provided by site developers and managers in collective parking lots, such as in apartment blocks and business locations.

In addition, an amendment of 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings foresees that a) in all new non-residential buildings and those undergoing major renovation with more than ten parking spaces, at least 1 of 10 is equipped with a recharging point and that b) newly built residential buildings and those undergoing major renovations, with more than 10 parking spaces, shall include the pre-cabling to enable the installation of recharging points for every parking space.

Finally, as a part of Horizon 2020 and the European Green Vehicle Initiative, the Commission continues to provide support to the industry for research and development, inter alia, aiming at increased energy density, energy recovery alternatives and efficiency of batteries to improve the range of electric vehicles and substantially reduce the cost of the (re)charging infrastructure.

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