European Commission LOGO


10 November 2020

In this issue

In the spotlight

Boosting European rail transport: harmonized procedures across the whole EU

The end of October was the deadline for Member States to transpose the technical pillar of the Fourth Railway Package, thereby granting the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) the powers needed to become Europe’s single certification body for rail vehicles and railway traffic operators. Within its new role, the Agency will take responsibility for vehicle authorisation, safety certification, and European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) trackside approval across all Member States. This is an important change for the European rail system. In the past, train operators, manufacturers or anyone who planned to operate in or sell to clients in more than one Member State, had to apply for vehicle authorisations and safety certificates separately in every Member State concerned.

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Commissioner's corner

Green Lanes

Those who need to travel for business or family-related reasons, for professional or medical matters should be able to do so ➡️ we ask Member States to ensure minimum connectivity inside the EU #GreenLanes

Transport tweet of the week

Year of Rail

Next year will be all about one of our most sustainable, innovative & safest transport modes...

Figure of the month

44 new policy objectives

…in the Commission Work Programme for the upcoming year 2021. The Work Programme sets out key initiatives for the year ahead and for European Transport. These initiatives concern the revisions of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS), of the Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, and the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems, including a multimodal ticketing initiative, and revision of the Regulation on the Trans-European transport network (TEN-T), among others.


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