European Commission LOGO


21 September 2018

In this issue

In the spotlight

More than 2 600 cities participating in the European Mobility Week 2018: Mixing transport modes to improve quality of life

This year our flagship campaign: EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK sees a record-breaking year with over 2 700 towns and cities participating in more than 50 countries. The campaign's aim is to improve quality of life by promoting clean mobility and sustainable urban transport. The campaign culminates in car-free-day in more than 1 000 European cities. This year theme 'Mix and Move' encourages people to see how their daily travel needs can be met more efficiently, more cost-effectively, and more enjoyably by mixing transport modes. On 19 September the 2018 EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK also included the third edition of the European Day Without a Road Death, ProjectEDWARD, which aims at raising awareness on road safety. Organisations can still register their road safety events for ProjectEDWARD.

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Commissioner's corner


InnoTrans is all about innovation, integration, digitalisation in the #rail sector, with @Shift2Rail_JU as our European accelerator. Rail is emerging and delivering as the backbone of the intermodal transport system of the future ! #InnoTrans2018

Transport tweet of the week

3rd Mobility Package

The third #MobilityPackage proposes new vehicle safety technologies & new rules on road infrastructure safety management – both very important measures for #RoadSafety. We need high level of ambitions & quick conclusion of negotiations: …

Figure of the month


The results of the Eurobarometer survey on satisfaction of Europeans with rail services published by the Commission this week showed that 66% of Europeans are satisfied with the frequency of trains. The survey also looked at who travels by train and why, as well as to what extent people are happy with the services provided.

Transport and You


16 September 2018 - 22 September 2018

European Mobility Week

19 September 2018 - 21 September 2018


More on transport

A Road Transport Strategy for Europe

Aviation Strategy

Search banned airlines

2018 - Year of Multimodality

Transport R&I Monitoring and Information System

Atlas of the Sky

Interactive Tentec map

Passenger rights App

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