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Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy


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Issue 10, March 2023

This is the bi-monthly newsletter of the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy with information on some of the recent publications and news relevant for policymaking in the field of the bioeconomy. For more information, you can browse and search our entire knowledge base by visiting the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy website.

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European Commission's Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

Bioeconomy knowledge highlights
Biomass production, supply, uses and flows in the European Union

This science for policy report collects the contribution of 42 scientists from JRC and external organisations to provide a cross-sectoral overview of the biomass produced and used in the EU-27, as well as specific data on biomass production, supply, uses and flows by sector. It also dives into topics such as the trade of bio-commodities or some innovative wood-based products.

Trends in the EU bioeconomy

The EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System is being developed by the JRC to track economic, environmental and social progress towards a sustainable bioeconomy. This publication reports the first assessment of the trends of the EU bioeconomy, based on the tracked indicators. The analysis shows that while resource efficiency is improving, there is a growing pressure on ecosystems from forestry and agriculture.

The EU Bioeconomy Footprint: using LCA to monitor environmental impacts of the EU Bioeconomy
This scientific publication presents a Life Cycle Assessment-based Bioeconomy Footprint developed by JRC researchers to assess and monitor the environmental impacts of the EU bioeconomy along time. The study quantifies the overall impact of 76 representative products based on the consumption intensity and the environmental impacts of the life cycle of each of them.
Exploring new visions for a sustainable bioeconomy
In this report, five authors share their perspectives on the existing narratives related to the bioeconomy, after discussions held at a workshop of the Community of Practice on Bioeconomy, last November. The themes covered include: understanding human-nature relationship to frame the bioeconomy; facing the challenges of green growth; embedding the Environmental Justice agenda principles for a just bioeconomy; and the complexity of the agri-food system. The authors identify so far under-represented perspectives in the bioeconomy discourse, to develop an alternative vision for a “green, just and sufficient bioeconomy”.
Bioeconomy knowledge base: an online library to support EU policymaking

The Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy online library provides a one-stop shop for filtered and distilled knowledge on the bioeconomy to support evidence-based EU policymaking. It is constantly updated with the latest publications, datasets, events, news, visualisations and other resources, and made publicly accessible. This report describes the workflow process and methods to curate, organise, store and share the bioeconomy-relevant knowledge.

A new tool maps the state of soil health across Europe

The EU Soil Observatory has released the soil health dashboard, a new tool to show information on soil degradation processes based on EU-wide harmonised soil datasets and a novel methodology combining 15 indicators. The dashboard supports the forthcoming European Commission proposal for a soil health law and indicators as part of the EU soil strategy for 2030.

The European Commission launches the rural observatory
The rural observatory with its online tool provides data, statistics, indicators and analyses related to EU rural areas. Such information allows evaluating and assessing the impacts and progress of EU legislative initiatives on rural areas, thus supporting evidence-based policymaking.
Read also...
'Living in the Bioeconomy’ Conference in Stockholm
The conference took place on 27 and 28 February in the context of the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council. The event gave space to discussions on policies and actions to take towards a sustainable, bio-based society with resource-efficient value chains, starting from the outcomes of the EU bioeconomy strategy progress report, published in 2022. In this occasion, the JRC presented the three new reports on the EU bioeconomy trends; on EU biomass production, supply, uses and flows; and on new visions for a sustainable bioeconomy.
Sustainability and resilience of the EU's fisheries and aquaculture sector

In February 2023, the Commission launched a new package of measures to improve the sustainability and resilience of the EU's fisheries and aquaculture sector, including two Communications, an Action Plan and a Report. The measures aim to promote the use of cleaner energy sources, reduce dependency on fossil fuels as well as reduce the sector's impact on marine ecosystems, without leaving behind the social and economic aspects.

Farmers’ Toolbox for Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims to control pests damaging crops and plants by using natural methods whenever possible and chemical pesticides as last resort. The Commission has just published a database presenting an overview of the IPM methods currently available, accompanied by a study assessing their effectiveness and prospects for their further uptake.
Transition pathway for the chemical industry

The European Commission, together with EU countries, relevant stakeholders, NGOs and other parties, ‘co-developed’ an actionable plan to achieve the green and digital transition and improve the resilience of the chemical industry. This roadmap, composed of cross-cutting actions, technology, and regulatory components, identifies the access to sustainable biomass as alternative feedstock for the bio-based chemistry as a key element, among others.

The Green Deal Industrial Plan
The new plan aims to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support the fast transition to climate neutrality. Based on four pillars (a simplified regulatory framework, faster access to funding, enhancing skills, and global cooperation and trade for the green transition) it provides a more supportive environment for the scaling up of the EU's manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and products, including bio-based substitutes for critical raw materials and innovative advanced biofuels.
Words from the bioeconomy world
Cover crop
It is the arable land on which plants are sown specifically to reduce the loss of soil, nutrients and plant protection products during the winter or other periods when the land would otherwise be bare and susceptible to losses. The economic interest of these crops is low, and the main goal is soil and nutrient protection. Normally they are ploughed in during spring before sowing another crop, and are not harvested or used for grazing.

This is an edition of the enewsletter published by Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy via the European Commission's Knowledge4Policy platform

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