Read the online version | ISSN 2599-8714
  15 December 2022  

DG JUSTICE Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values & Justice programmes

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In this issue
Last newsletter before winter holidays
Winter and new calls for proposals are coming!

Dear Readers, in our last newsletter, we wished you a relaxing summer and now we are approaching other well deserved holidays. We will be back in January with a special issue on some important horizontal topics (such as lump sums). Enjoy the reading and start collecting interesting project ideas to submit in 2023!

Funding opportunities
Adoption of the Justice and CERV work programmes 2023-2024

Check out DG JUST priorities for 2023 and 2024 and discover the next funding opportunities!

New calls for proposals published under the CERV and Justice programmes!

Under the CERV programme, the Charter call now funds also projects which will support whistleblowers and the Daphne call, for the first time ever, foresees a re-granting scheme. Under the Justice programme, a specific focus this year is on the protection of victims of war crimes. This is just a little taste: discover the first 2023 calls already published (some of them are already open). You cannot miss these funding opportunities!

CERV and Justice programmes: 2021-2022 implementation

Check out some data about the implementation of the two programmes in the last two years!

Activities, news & upcoming events
2022 Report on European judicial training

We have the pleasure to announce the very forthcoming publication of the 2022 Report on European judicial training. The report measures the participation of justice professionals (judges, prosecutors, court and prosecutors’ office staff, lawyers, notaries and bailiffs) in training on EU law. The 11th newly edited report will be available on the European judicial training webpage before the winter break. We wish you a fruitful reading.

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CERV National Contact Points Meeting

The CERV National Contact Points (NCPs) met for the first time in physical presence on 17-18 November 2022 in Prague. The meeting was organised under the Czech EU Presidency and hosted by the Czech NCP. More than 40 participants had the opportunity to share and exchange ideas and information on issues related to the CERV programme.

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Citizen surveys: Share your opinion

Would you tell us more about your experiences with the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and yourself? Questions cover a variety of topics, from knowledge of how the ECI works to whether you have ever wanted to start a new ECI, and more. We look forward to your feedback!

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Practice Guide for the application of the Brussels llb Regulation

The EU Commission has developed a Practice Guide for the application of the Brussels IIb Regulation. The Regulation is the cornerstone of the judicial cooperation in family matters with cross-border implications in the EU.

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Examining Artificial Intelligence technologies under the lens of children’s rights

Artificial Intelligence-based internet and digital technologies are growingly used by children, with one in three internet users globally being under 18 years old. The report “Artificial Intelligence and the Rights of the Child” from the Joint Research Centre recommends requirements for trustworthy AI, highlights methods for more effective engagement between stakeholders, and identifies the knowledge gaps that need to be addressed as priority in the short- and medium-term for developing AI in line with children’s rights.

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How to better protect children in criminal proceedings

Child-friendly templates for better communication, task forces to guide young repeat offenders and artistic expression courses in prison: these are just some of the good practices identified in a new report on safeguards for children in criminal proceedings from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). It identifies shortcomings in national justice systems and suggests potential remedies that countries could follow to uphold children’s rights in the judiciary.

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This is the “DG Justice Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects”. This newsletter delivers updates on the implementation of the Justice and CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) Programmes, including information about new funding opportunities, new funded projects, events and project management tips.
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ISSN: ISSN 2599-8714