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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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Newsletter on rights of the child No 3/2021
Dear Readers, Welcome to this new edition of the Newsletter on the Rights of the Child. I would like to take this opportunity to say good-bye to all our readers and partners. These are my last days as Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child. As of January 2022, I will join DG JUST Programme and financial management Unit as Deputy Head of Unit, and will embark on my next professional adventure. In my new capacity, I will hopefully contribute to a better use of EU funds to achieve our policy objectives, and I will always strive for a stronger mainstreaming of child rights in EU policies and funding. We are finalising the recruitment of the next Coordinator, and we will certainly communicate their name and contact details to you all as soon as possible. Thank you for reading us, and for your support to all the initiatives we have launched over these past years. This Newsletter focuses on our funding opportunities for 2022, and on the new EU network for children’s rights. But keep watching this space: we have exciting new developments to come also in the New Year. And let me thank you also personally for the great support and cooperation – I truly enjoyed working with you all, and I do hope we will stay in touch. Warmest regards Valeria
date 13/12/2021
European Commission - Activities
Call for expression of interest to participate to selected activities of the EU network for children’s rights

In the 2021 EU Strategy on the rights of the child, the Commission said it would set up a new EU Network for children’s rights. The network will support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. It will also boost the exchange of information, good practices and mutual learning among EU Member States, the Commission and relevant stakeholders working on the rights of the child. The network will be composed of Member State representatives, and will include in some of its activities, other relevant stakeholders. The activities of the network will include, among others, meetings, study and peer visits, research activities and training activities. Interested organisations are invited to notify their interest by filling the application form. The list of interested organisations if valid up to four years from the date of opening of this call for expression of interest. For each of the activities, DG JUST will decide whom to associate, by direct invitation based on information provided in the form, in addition to the Member State representatives.

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date 13/12/2021 - 07/02/2022
Deadline 07/02/2022
See also EU Strategy on the rights of the child
Contact EC Rights of the child team
European Commission - Funding
Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child

Next year the call for proposals will focus on the implementation of the first thematic area of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child: participation of children in political and democratic life. We are looking at proposals that will complement what the Commission will propose to happen at the European level with activities at local and national levels. We want to make child participation mechanisms (existing or to be created) stronger.

a child and an adult talking
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date 15/12/2021 - 18/05/2022
Deadline 18/05/2022
See also EU Strategy on the rights of the child
Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children
In 2022, the call for proposals on preventing and combating gender based violence and violence against children will focus on five priorities, including two specifically on children: 1. Supporting and improving national data collection on violence against children, 2. Strengthening responses that prevent and support child victims of violence by reinforcing child protection systems at national and local level
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date 15/12/2021 - 12/04/2022
Deadline 12/04/2022
Call for proposal: Promote capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation relating to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights breaches
This call for proposals will protect, promote and raise awareness of fundamental rights by providing financial support to civil society organisations that are active at local, regional, national and transnational level in promoting and cultivating those rights. The proposals will aim at strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values and respect for the rule of law and contributing to the construction of a more democratic Union, democratic dialogue, transparency and good governance. The call has two priorities: 1. Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 2. Activities on strategic litigation
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date 28/10/2021 - 24/02/2022
Deadline 24/02/2022
Call for proposals for action grants to promote gender equality
This 2022 Gender Equality call, supporting the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 aims at: • tackling gender stereotypes, including with a focus on youth, and in advertising and the media. • equal participation and representation of women and men in political and economic decision making
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date 15/12/2021 - 16/03/2022
Deadline 16/03/2022
This newsletter delivers updates on the rights of the child including information about new funding opportunities, new studies, reports and events.

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