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  26 April 2021  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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Newsletter on rights of the child No 2/2021

Dear Readers, A month ago we celebrated the adoption of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child for years 2021-2024. Now, the strategy is available in all EU languages and soon the child friendly version of the strategy will be as well. We want to thank those of you who spread the news about the strategy and expressed their willingness to support its implementation. We very much count on that as we go along and create a child – centred and child – friendly culture in policy making. Now, sleeves up and back to work. We will keep you posted about progress on the implementation of the strategy.

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See also EU Strategy on the rights of the child in all EU langauges

20 April 2021 - 07 September 2021

European Commission
2021 Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child
This year, the call for proposals focuses on responding to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, by promoting ways to mainstream and embed children’s rights in the responses to this and any other emergency situations and contribute to the implementation of the actions put forward by the EU Strategy on the rights of the child. More details in the call document.
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Deadline 07 September 2021
Document Call document  (1,0 Mb)

20 April 2021 - 15 June 2021

European Commission
2021 Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children
This year, the call for proposal focuses on early detection, prevention and protection of and/or support to women, children, young people and LGBTIQ victims or potential victims of violence, with specific attention paid to situations emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. More information in the call document.
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Deadline 15 June 2021
Document Call document  (1,0 Mb)

09 March 2021 - 18 May 2021

European Commission
2021 call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
The primary objective of this funding available under the Justice Programme is to promote cohesion in judicial cases and cooperation within the EU. Priority 1. Judicial cooperation in civil matters, refers among others to actions on "improving the situation of children involved in civil cases, e.g. through better procedures, case-handling and cooperation in family law areas such as parental responsibility, international child abduction and maintenance or issues relating to civil status of children."
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Deadline 18 May 2021
Document call-fiche_just-2021-jcoo_en.p...  (917 Kb)

23 April 2021

European Commmission
DG JUSTICE Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects

Subscribe, if not done yet and get access to latest news about funding, consultations and projects co-funded by the European Commission, Justice and CERV programmes.

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European Commission - Activities

23 April 2021 - 15 May 2021

European Commission
Art competition- My World without Pollution

Ahead of this year’s EU Green Week (, the European Commission is launching a call for artistic entries under the theme “My World without Pollution”, encouraging young artists to show what a pollution-free world can look like.

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Deadline 15 May 2021

14 April 2021 - 12 May 2021

European Commission
Have your say on: Cross-border family situations - recognition of parenthood
Parenthood established in one EU country may not be recognised in another. This can lead to problems when travelling or moving to another EU country, and can endanger a child’s rights derived from parenthood (e.g. on maintenance, succession). This initiative aims to ensure that parenthood, as established in one EU country, is recognised across the EU, so that children maintain their rights in cross-border situations, in particular when their families travel or move within the EU. The roadmap for this initiative is opened for consultations. Feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative.
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Date 14 April 2021 - 12 May 2021

10 March 2021

European Migration Network (EMN)
Report on the state of implementation of the 2017 EC Communication on the protection of children in Migration

This report maps the progresses made by the Member States since the implementation of the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration. The Communication aims at protecting all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU. The report was prepared on the basis of national contributions from 26 EMN National Contact Points.

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Document Chidren in migration - synthesis report  (818 Kb)

13 April 2021

European Commission
Learning Corner Newsletter - find your tool to learn about the EU

Subscribe to this newsletter to get updates about games, competitions and activity books to help children discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home. Or about studying or volunteering abroad. For teachers or parents, the learning Corner is a source of teaching material for all age groups, from inspirations for lesson plans, to networking opportunities with other schools and teachers across the EU.

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29 March 2021

European Commission
Future of Syria storytelling video with children
The Syrian conflict has lasted for about 10 years now and has led Syrians to flee to other countries in the world to be safe. The video includes testimonies from three children, Mohanad, Maha and Sandra, which show their daily lives since the beginning of the conflict: Bomb attacks, the destruction of their homes, the obligation to leave their homes, precarious living conditions in tents exposed to flooding, cold or very high temperatures, the death of parents during airstrikes, and the impossibility of going to school. This is a strong example of how children’s rights are particularly affected in armed conflicts.
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Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

23 April 2021

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Get involved in 2021 Fundamental Rights Forum: Submit your proposal for a session

The 2021 Forum will be held online on 11-12 October. It will bring together leaders, decision-makers, civil society, artists and businesses. The forum will address two overarching topics: young people and Europe’s future and Europe’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. It will be a hybrid event: hosted from Vienna, linking live to European city hubs and other, entirely virtual, online sessions. Submit your proposal for a session by 30 April 2021.

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Deadline To be defined.

13 April 2021 - 15 October 2021

European External Action Service, Permanent Representations of Andorra and San Marino at the Council of Europe
Open call for video projects from children: My Rights, My Voice

The EU Delegation in Strasbourg and the Permanent Representations of Andorra and San Marino at the Council of Europe are launching a call for artistic video projects from children aged 10 to 17, reflecting children’s views on their own rights. Children should select one or several specific rights of the child which will be the focus of the video project.

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Deadline 15 October 2021
Other organisations - Activities

02 March 2021

United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
UN CRC - General Comment n°25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment
At its 86th session, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted its General Comment No. 25 (2021) on children's rights in relation to the digital environment. Digital technologies are both vital to children’s current lives and constantly evolving. Their importance is even increased in times of crisis during which they perform societal functions, such as education. Children are entitled to same rights offline and online. A terminology glossary, explanatory note and child-friendly version are also available.
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See also General Comment 25

22 April 2021

Terre des Hommes
A Guide – Children and the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration.
The guide analyses the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) through a child rights lens and outlines the measures foreseen in these documents (the Global Compacts) for the protection of the rights of the child. It was developed to support people, organisations and agencies working to protect children on the move to make better use of the Global Compacts in their daily work, to the benefit of children. It seeks to be comprehensive in terms of content, so that it can be useful for a range of actors, whether governmental or nongovernmental. It is designed as an interactive self-learning tool that can be read in its entirety or by section. It outlines what is in the Global Compacts that is of relevance for children and the provisions for the implementation, monitoring and review of these frameworks. It also suggests ways of engaging with the implementation of the Global Compacts.
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23 April 2021

Groupe Enfance
A tool to mainstream Child Rights in all development and humanitarian aid programmes and projects

The French coalition for international development and humanitarian aid, Groupe Enfance, includes 19 Child Rights NGOs. The checklist has been developed by Groupe Enfance to ensure that children’s rights are mainstreamed in all development and humanitarian aid projects. The checklist aims to provide a list of criteria to help professionals better understand and protect the rights of the child.

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04 March 2021
Latests in Child Protection by Child Protection Hub

Child Protection Hub is a regional initiative promoting better child protection in South East Europe. The newsletter of this new website covers a variety of topics: From restorative justice in cases involving child victims, the need for cross-sectoral work to protect children in conflict with the law, rights in child technology in the digital age.

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Studies and promising practices

23 April 2021

University College Cork, School of Applied Social Studies
Research: Voluntary Care in Ireland Study (2018-2021)
This research study is an inter-disciplinary project between social work (@UCCsocialwork, School of Applied Social Studies) and the School of Law and is located in the Children and Young People research cluster in ISS21 at University College Cork. The study examined the use of voluntary care in Ireland.
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18 March 2021

PICUM – Platform for International Cooperation on undocumented migrants
Navigating Irregularity: The Impact of Growing Up Undocumented in Europe

The report looks at key aspects of lives of undocumented children: Housing, access to services, income and socio-economic situation of households, interaction with residence procedures and enforcement of immigration legislation, as well as trauma often suffered, such as fear of detention or expulsion, or difficulties faced by undocumented children in accessing education.

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10 March 2021

PICUM – Platform for International Cooperation on undocumented migrants
Immigration detention in Europe: what safeguards for people with vulnerabilities
“Each year, more than 100,000 people are detained in Europe”. Based on this observation, the report then focuses on the often lasting consequences of detention on individuals. For example, children’s psychosocial development is affected. The report concludes by encouraging that definitions of vulnerability are based on an “open list” that takes into account the intersectional nature of vulnerabilities as well as those directly caused by detention.
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25 September 2020

Child Abuse & Neglect – Science Direct Journal
Highlighting a new alert tool in times of crisis: the child helplines

The pandemic highlighted the need for a holistic view of the state of violence against children during a pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 has caused significant disruption to the family nucleus (internal sphere), but also to child protection services (external sphere), most of which are either suspended or slowed down. As a result, child helpline services are essential in times of crisis, as they remain operational even when physical interactions are limited.

Case law

24 March 2021

Court of Justice of the European Union
CJEU Judgement in Case-603/PPU SS v MCP - Brussels IIa Regulation

If a child is habitually resident in a third State, the jurisdiction of the court shall be determined in accordance with the applicable international conventions, giving priority to the principle of proximity.

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11 March 2021

Court of Justice of the European Union
CJEU judgment in Case C-112/20 M.A.v. État belge; best interest of the child assessment

The CJEU ruled in M.A. v. État belge case saying that best interests of the child must be taken into account even in cases where the child is the indirect addressee of a decision, the direct person being his or her illegally staying parent, thereby avoiding his or her removal from the territory.

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17 March 2021

European Committee of Social Rights
Decision on the merits, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) v. Czech Republic
The European Committee of Social Rights decision: International Commission of Lawyers (ICJ) v Czech Republic, highlights the procedural rights of children under the age of criminal responsibility. The absence of procedural rights violates the right of children to social protection under Article 17 of the European Social Charter (1961).
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