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European Commission
Justice and Consumers
Newsletter on the rights of the child
Message to Stakeholders
Newsletter on the rights of the child - Funding opportunities 2017

Dear All,

Welcome to the 1st new look edition of Newsletter on the rights of the child.
Today, we will give you an update on the 2017 funding opportunities on the rights of the child and violence against children.


1. REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2017 - Capacity-building in the area of rights of the child


Publication date: 30 March 2017
Opening for submissions: 30 March 2017
Deadline: 29 June 2017
Indicative budget: 4,000,000 EUR

All projects under this call can be either national or transnational

Extract - see link for the full call:

EU funding is not intended to cover operational or running costs, but to support the development of robust and sustainable mechanisms and frameworks for children in alternative care, to support their ageing out of/leaving care. EU funding is intended to provide an opportunity to get the necessary stakeholders to work together and establish an integrated approach that ensures better outcomes for careleavers. Children in families can generally rely on family support over relatively long periods as they move, often in a non-linear manner, into young adulthood. ‘Corporate’ or ‘State’ parents should have commensurate support mechanisms in place for children in care. This call also covers third-country national/migrant children (including unaccompanied children) who are in the care of the State. Children may be in care as a direct result of neglect, abuse and violence and aftercare supports should arguably be even more extensive, as evidenced by the fact that lack of support may lead to a high proportion of young careleavers ending up homeless/in poverty/in conflict with the law, etc. In Europe, supports generally need to be increased. Children in care and careleavers are often stigmatised. Siblings may have been separated. Projects should be practical projects fostering capacity-building and an integrated approach, the exchange of good practice, training on the rights and needs of careleavers (possibly involving former careleavers themselves in training, but at the very least taking account of their experience in designing training) and provide for the monitoring and review of aftercare plans, the continuous review of efforts resulting from this project and monitoring of outcomes. Given the target group, all projects would benefit from the involvement and taking account of the experience of careleavers themselves.

Important links:



2. REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2017 - Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children


Publication date: 30 March 2017
Opening for submissions: 27 June 2017
Deadline: 14 November 2017
Indicative budget: 12,706,000 EUR

Priorities - extract (see link for the full call):

1. Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV): The focus is on primary prevention, i.e. changing social attitudes and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of violence. This involves tackling prejudices and gender stereotypes and norms that encourage or condone violence, as well as preventing victimisation through education about healthy relationships and their rights.
(Indicative amount: 2 500 000 EUR)

2. Protection and support for victims of gender-based violence and violence against children, including through tackling under-reporting and promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation among relevant professionals (for projects relevant to children, see child rights approach definition: paragraph 59 of General Comment No 13 of the UN Committee on the rights of the child). This priority aims to contribute to the implementation of:

(Indicative amount: 3 206 000 EUR)

3. The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTQI persons, young men and boys), in particular to ensure their recovery from such trauma. The aim is not to create new or parallel services but to adapt them in an inclusive manner. This call will not fund operating or running costs, but is intended to build capacity and adapt frameworks to include people in migration, in a practical way, for example where outreach to new reception facilities and structures are needed or where the involvement of cultural mediators/interpreters could help.
(Indicative amount: 3 000 000 EUR)

4. Treatment of perpetrators, in order to prevent reoffending.

The aim is to support the development of perpetrator treatment programmes and capacity-building among professionals working in this area, with the aim of preventing reoffending and further protecting victims.
(Indicative amount: 1 000 000 EUR)

5. National coordinating frameworks or action plans for violence against children (supporting Member States and other actors). The aim is to support Member States in developing and implementing national coordinating frameworks to eliminate all forms of violence against children (which would cover a number of different areas and issues), in line with the 10 Principles for integrated child protection systems and taking account of the Council of Europe Policy Guidelines on Integrated National Strategies for the Protection of Children from Violence as well as United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child General Comment 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence.
(Indicative amount: 3 000 000 EUR)



3. REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2017 – Framework partnerships


Publication date: 7 March 2017
Opening for submissions: 7 March 2017
Deadline: 16 May 2017

The Commission will continue to financially support EU-level networks active in the following fields:

*   The call on promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities will be published on the website of the DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion.

Important Links:





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