Read the online version | ISSN 2599-8714
  04 March 2021  

DG JUSTICE Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values & Justice programmes

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In this issue

Newsletter No 1/2021
Welcome to the 1st 2021 edition of our newsletter!

Dear readers,

Welcome to the 1st 2021 edition of our newsletter!

We sincerely hope that you’re going well and, once again, we would like to congratulate all our Consortia for their enthusiasm, creativity and resilience in implementing the projects in these difficult times.

We can imagine that you are curious to discover the new calls of proposals of the Justice programme, which are now published, and some preview of the new CERV programme.

Enjoy the reading and take care!

JUST funding team

Funding opportunities
New open calls for proposals under the Justice programme!

The aim of EU funding is to translate EU policies into tangible results on the ground. For 2021, DG JUST has issued new calls for project proposals under the Justice programme. We want to fund projects that will improve the justice systems in the EU and the respect of all related fundamental rights. Don’t miss out on these funding opportunities!

The new 1,55 billion CERV programme is coming: learn more and get ready to apply

CERV stands for “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” and will be the biggest-ever EU fund for promoting and protecting fundamental rights inside the EU. During negotiations, this programme has received a major top-up and was more than doubled (from the original 640 million euro to over 1,55 billion euro for the next 7-years period).

Project management tips
How to find info about projects awarded in the last calls for proposals

There is a new functionality in the Funding & tender opportunities Portal that allows you to check which projects have been awarded for a specific call, read their abstracts, see which organisations are involved and also contact the Coordinator.

It’s good to be seen as European Union! Discover the new communication and visibility rules

When beneficiaries receive EU funding, they have to advertise it, but the rules on communication and visibility were often very confusing and disparate...until now.

Project deliverables will be published on the Funding & tender opportunities Portal

We are very happy to inform you that project deliverables/outputs marked as “public” during the Grant agreement preparation will be, from now on, published on the Funding & tender opportunities Portal.

Activities, news & upcoming events
Have your say: open public consultation on gender-based and domestic violence

The purpose of this consultation is to inform the Commission’s work on further measures for improved and coordinated prevention of and protection against this kind of violence.

Deadline 10/05/2021
Beneficiaries: outputs, events & stories
The project C.O.N.T.R.O and its awareness raising campaign against hate speech online

The European project “CO.N.T.R.O.” (COunter Narratives AgainsT Racism Online”) is arrived to its end, but it is still conducting an interesting awareness raising campaign against hate speech online which is based on a social experiment.

This is the “DG Justice Newsletter on funding opportunities & funded projects”. This newsletter delivers updates on the implementation of the Justice and CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) Programmes, including information about new funding opportunities, new funded projects, events and project management tips.

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