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  26 February 2021  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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25 February 2021

Newsletter on rights of the child No 1/2021

Dear Readers, Welcome to this first 2021 edition of the newsletter on the rights of the child. It is a very exciting year for our work, as we are finalising preparations for the adoption of the new EU Strategy on the rights of the child and the EU Child Guarantee. In this edition you can read about the consultations with more than 10.000 children that were conducted for these two important policy initiatives - with a big "thank you" to the child rights organisations who ran them. You will also find the outcomes of a study on child participation in EU political and democratic life and its accessible version prepared in cooperation with children. Next time - we get back to you with a new Strategy!

European Commission - Activities

23 February 2021

ChildFund Alliance, Eurochild, Save the Children, UNICEF, World Vision, European Commission
EU Strategy on the rights of the child - consultations with children - report

Over 10,000 children and young people participated in a consultation on the EU’s upcoming Child Rights Strategy and Child Guarantee. In summer 2020, the European Commission invited UNICEF, Eurochild, Save the Children, World Vision and Child Fund Alliance to support the European Commission’s work and consult children on the upcoming EU Strategy on the rights of the child and the EU Child guarantee. The results from these consultations are outlined in the report “Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future” that was launched in a virtual event on 23 February 2021.

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See also report

22 February 2021

European Commission
Study on child participation in EU political and democratic life

The Commission published a study on child participation in EU political and democratic life. The study looks at the situation in the EU and UK at national level, and in 10 countries at national and local level - with 12 case studies. In the course of this research, over 200 children and young people have shared their opinions and experiences in interviews and focus groups.

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See also newsitem

12 February 2021

European Commission - Learning corner
Give your feedback on how to improve learning materials for children about the EU

The European Commission commissioned a study to look at how to optimise learning materials on the EU for children aged 5 to 18. Its results will help the services developing such materials for children to better adapt to their target audiences’ needs, preferred channels, and specificities such as their location, socio-economic background, any disabilities, learning difficulties, etc.

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08 February 2021 - 10 May 2021

European Commission
Have your say - open public consultations on the gender-based and domestic violence initiative
The purpose of the consultation is to inform the Commission’s work on further measures for improved, coordinated prevention of and protection against this kind of violence.
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Date 08 February 2021 - 10 May 2021

03 March 2021

European Commission
Early Childhood Education and Care - inclusion and staff professionalisation
On 3 March 2021, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, will launch a report on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe focusing on inclusion and staff professionalisation.
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04 February 2021

European Migration Network
New European Migration Network (EMN) Bulletin - section on unaccompanied children

The European Migration Network (EMN) is an EU network of migration and asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe. EMN Bulletins are quarterly newsletters which provide an update on recent EU and national developments on migration and asylum as well as providing an overview of key statistics, EMN publications, events and developments.

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05 January 2021

European Migration Network
European Migration Network (EMN) Inform on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses
EMN Informs provide key findings and messages to policymakers on a specific topic, based on the results of information gathered and analysed by the EMN, for example, from reports and studies, or from ad-hoc queries. The report found that education for children subject to return decisions generally continued to be mandatory. Children in return procedures were entitled to the same provision as other children in relation to remote or online provision when schools closed during lockdowns. Some EU Member States provided additional equipment to facilitate access to education in centres for these children.
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21 January 2021

European Commission
2021 - the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
While progress has been made to fight the child labour since the turn of the century, it has been far too slow. Now with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of child labour is increasing for the first time after over 20 years. There is an urgency to renew international commitments to eradicate child labour. The United Nations has declared 2021 the international year for the elimination of child labour. The Sustainable Development Goals specifically targets the ending child labour in all its forms by 2025 (SDG target 8.7). However, as we have seen, this is increasingly looking less likely. The solutions are known, it is the commitment and resources that need reinvigorating. For the European Commission, President Ursula von der Leyen has reaffirmed this engagement through a zero-tolerance policy on child labour.
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Case law

14 January 2021

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
CJEU judgement on the best interests of the child in return procedures

The Court of Justice of the European Union has established in its recent ruling that EU Member States must necessarily take into account the best interests of the child at all stages of the return procedure. The Court stated that before issuing a return decision in respect of an unaccompanied child, a Member State must verify that adequate reception facilities are available for the child in the State of return.

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Other organisations - Activities

25 February 2021

Defence for Children International
Latest news from DCI

Defence for Children International is a worldwide movement for children’s rights with National Sections and Associated Members active across the five continents. Each of DCI’s National Sections works on the child rights issues that are the most relevant to their respective national contexts.

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25 February 2021

Kind EUrope
KIND Europe - newsletter
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) is the leading national organization advocating for the rights of unaccompanied migrant and refugee children. In 2008, KIND was founded by the Microsoft Corporation and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie to address the gap in legal services for unaccompanied minors. Through strategic partnerships, we provide pro bono legal representation for refugee and migrant children across the country.
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27 January 2021

Child Circle - Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
Report: Advancing Protection for Unaccompanied Children in Europe by Strengthening Legal Assistance

KIND and Child Circle’s report provides recommendations on how to protect unaccompanied children. At the heart of the recommendations is that free quality legal assistance is a central safeguard for the protection of unaccompanied children. To raise awareness of the key features of quality legal assistance for unaccompanied children, the report draws from national good practices, highlighting the experience of KIND in the United States and of its partners in Europe, while indicating priorities for future reform and engagement.

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23 February 2021

Terre des Hommes
MINT project : Mentoring for integration of children affected by migration

The MINT project aims at supporting and facilitating the integration process of children, enhancing social relations and empowering both local youth and third-country national (TCN) children. The project specifically supports the integration of newly arrived children, including unaccompanied and separated children, paying particular attention to the gender-specific barriers to integration of girls and boys. This recording from the webinar will present the project activities (e.g. child-led awareness-raising and advocacy activities, language learning opportunities, etc.) and outputs of MINT with a focus on the peer-to-peer mentoring programme including the main challenges and lessons learnt during the two mentoring cycles from which over 140 migrant children and more than 110 local youth benefitted.

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17 February 2021

Child Rights International Network
CRIN-Youth climate justice advisers

CRIN has invited youth climate activists around the world to help shape CRIN’s strategy on environmental issues for the next few years. It is a team of 12 advisers between the ages of 9 and 18 from different regions, backgrounds, experiences and who campaign on different environmental issues. This marks the first time CRIN will be collaborating with under-18s to this degree.

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08 January 2021

CRIN, The Rights Studio
Meet CRIN's new sister - The Rights Studio
The Rights Studio is a new creative hub for people and organisations to engage on human rights issues affecting children, young people and future generations through the arts and other creative expressions. The Rights Studio was officially founded in September 2020 in Berlin, Germany. However its work and ideas have been around for some years now, under the auspices of CRIN.
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20 January 2021

Fighting child poverty in European cities
This research forms part of Eurocities’ broader initiative ‘Inclusive Cities for All’, which helps cities deliver the European Pillar of Social Rights at local level. This is the fourth survey conducted by Eurocities, following surveys in 2018 and 2019, which collected evidence from cities on policies relating to the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights. This time the focus of the survey was on principle 11 on childcare and support for children. A Eurocities’ survey reveals that the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on children means these municipal resources are no longer sufficient, and child poverty is on the rise.
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04 January 2021

SB OverSeas
Sharing Hope & Building Bridges with Young Asylum seekers - Report on the workshop
The workshop aimed at building a bridge between children and youths with a migrant background living in Brussels, experts working on the field (Redcross and Fedasil centres), and civil society organizations advocating for their rights. You are invited to read about the workshop here.
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