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  30 November 2020  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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24 November 2020

Newsletter on rights of the child No 5/2020
Dear Readers, We welcome you warmly on a cold and grey day in Brussels. The season is changing, but the coronavirus is still around. Some changes can be observed compared to the first wave last Spring. In some countries, children have this time been asked what was their opinion about the safety measures, and more information has been delivered in a child friendly way – you can read more about it in the posts below. The impact of Covid-19 was discussed during the many events that took place on Friday 20 November, to celebrate the World Children’s Day. We link you to some of them in this edition of the newsletter. Last, but not least – some updates on our work on the Strategy. We are working at full speed to get the Strategy ready for Spring 2021. Together with eight leading child rights organisations we consulted children both within and outside the EU on the Strategy. We received more than 10.000 replies to the online questionnaire and more children were consulted in different forms. We gathered recommendations and opinions on the Strategy during the 2020 Forum on the rights of the child. We have also talked to the representatives of the national authorities from the EU Member States and to colleagues from the Commission services and agencies. We are still counting on your contribution to the online questionnaire that is available until 8 December. Don’t forget to have your say on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child.

26 October 2020

EU Strategy on the rights of the child - Have your say!
The works on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child are in full speed. Contribute to the open public consultation. The questionnaire is available until 8 December. The Strategy is planned for adoption in Spring 2021.
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European Commission - Activities

27 November 2020

REPORT from the 13th European Forum on the rights of the child: towards the EU Strategy on the rights of the child

The report from the 2020 European Forum on the rights of the child is available now. Between 29 September and 1 October 2020, more than 300 experts connected from all over the world to participate in an online, interactive event under the theme of this 13th edition: ‘Delivering for children: towards the European strategy on the rights of the child’.

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Document 13 European Forum on the rights of the child - report  (10,0 Mb)

20 November 2020

European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
World Children’s Day: Joint Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Statement on the occasion of the World Children's Day on 20 November by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The statement pointed out to serious and potentially long-term impact of Covid-19 pandemic on children's learning, well-being, development and protection. It also reminded about the latest EU policy initiatives, such as the newly adopted EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, the EU Strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse and about the ones to be adopted next year - among others the EU Strategy on the rights of the child.
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10 November 2020

European Commission
Learning Corner for children to stay tuned in EU-related matters
DG COMM's Learning Corner delivers up-to-date news and thematic materials for children and youth who are keen on following the latest European initiatives and know more about the European Union. It also has a section for teachers.
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24 July 2020

European Commission
EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse
The aim of the Strategy on a more effective fight against child sexual abuse is to provide an effective response to child sexual abuse. It provides for a framework for developing a strong and comprehensive response to these crimes, both in their online and offline form. It sets out eight initiatives to implement and develop the right legal framework, strengthen the law enforcement response and catalyse a coordinated multi-stakeholder action in relation to prevention, investigation and assistance to victims.
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17 July 2020

European Commission, High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG)
Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) puts children in focus
Through the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI), AI principles are translated into a checklist that guides developers and deployers of AI in implementing such principles in practice. The AI HLEG notes that prior to self-assessing an AI system with this Assessment List, a fundamental rights impact assessment should be performed with a particular focus on the potential impact of AI on children to ensure that their best interests are taken into account, the potential harm is monitored, addressed and rectified.
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08 July 2020

European Commission
Relocation of unaccompanied children from Greece to Portugal and Finland
On 7 and 8 July, 49 unaccompanied children were relocated from Greece to Portugal and Finland as part of a scheme organised by the European Commission and the Greek Special Secretary for Unaccompanied Minors, in partnership with UN agencies and the European Asylum Support Office. As part of the Action Plan for immediate measures to support Greece, the Commission proposed to relocate up to 1,600 children as part of a scheme supported by EASO, IOM, UNHCR and UNICEF.
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Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

27 November 2020

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Fundamental rights implications of COVID-19
On this page FRA publishes various reports and studies that investigate the impact of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on fundamental rights in the EU.
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20 November 2020

European Asylum Support Office and Council of Europe
Animation on Age Assessment for Children
Developed by EASO in partnership with the Council of Europe, this video animation intends to inform children and young persons about the process of an age assessment, their rights and obligations, in a child-friendly manner. In addition to English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, the animation will be available into Arabic, Pashto, Dari, Tigrinya, Somali & Punjabi.
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15 October 2020

Eurostat data on child population across Europe
Eurostat, in collaboration with the European Commission, has released its data on child and youth population in each EU Member States and neighboring countries. There are 81.5 million children across the EU, which is the 18.2% of the whole population.
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See also Ratio of children and young people in the total population on 1 January by sex and age
Case law

16 July 2020

Court of Justice of the European Union
CJEU ruling on the date to be taken into account, when determining whether a family member of a sponsor is a ‘minor child’
In line with the European Commission's position, the Court ruled that the date to be taken into account, in order to determine whether a family member of a sponsor is a ‘minor child’ is the date of submission of the application for entry and residence (and not the date on which a decision was given on that application by the competent authorities of that Member State). The Court also confirmed that the action against the rejection of an application for family reunification of a child cannot be held inadmissible on the sole ground that the child has reached majority during the court proceedings.
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Other organisations - Activities

27 November 2020

Selection of reports and studies on the impact of Covid-19 on children's lives

"I think this survey is a fantastic idea, thank you for taking the time to listen to us, because I feel that our age category is being forgotten in times of corona, so thank you again." said a 16 years old girl who participated in a survey done in Flanders, Belgium. Read more about this survey, other reports and studies documenting the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the rights of the child.


03 December 2020 - 15 December 2020

Missing Children Europe
Missing Children Europe’s annual “Lost in Migration” conference is coming up
Missing Children Europe will hold its annual “Lost in Migration” conference on 3, 8 and 15 December 2020 online. It aims to raise awareness about the issue of missing children in migration and mobilise policy makers to take actions. In past years, some of Missing Children Europe's recommendations made it into the European Institutions strategies and resolutions. Check out last year's conference and stay tuned for updates for 2020. The conference will be organised by young migrants themselves. Donations are welcome, all the proceeds of Wyvern Lingo's song Brutal Lottery will go to funding the conference.
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Date 03 December 2020 - 15 December 2020

25 November 2020

Child Helpline International
Voices of Children and Young People Around the World
The new report presents the data received from child helpline members around the world relating to 2019. This year, the report looks at some of the information that has started to become available in 2020 on how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted children and young people, and the work of child helplines.
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20 November 2020

Child Compass 2030: Shaping a healthy society, environment and economy fit for children

“Child Compass 2030" was published on 20 November to celebrate the World Children's Day. The publication brings a family perspective to policy-making based on the interrelated well-being of children and of their parents. The Child Compass 2030 calls on the European institutions to invest in child well-being and to shape a healthy society, environment and economy fit for children.

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20 November 2020

Joining Forces Alliance
Conference-Children's right to be heard. We're talking; Are you listening?
This event explored the importance of children’s participation in securing their rights, with a special focus on the impact of Covid-19 on the rights of the child. Programme sessions included comments and observations from children and youth, an interactive child-led panel, remarks from high-level actors, and video statements from children around the globe. Vice-President of the European Commission, Dubravka Šuica, spoke at the opening of the event. Feedback from children during the event will be incorporated in a new Joining Forces policy brief to be released in January, titled We’re Talking, Are You Listening?
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20 November 2020

Reflection paper: "Putting children's rights at the heart of decision-making in cases involving children on the move: gathering momentum in Europe"
In this paper, the European Child Rights Helpdesk partners share case experience and key developments in their countries. The report identifies four foundation stones to ensure a robust and fair system of decision making to fulfil the rights of children on the move. This paper presents the common agenda for change to ensure a robust and fair system that takes the rights of children on the move into account in administrative and judicial proceedings. It also provides recommendations on how the EU can play an important role in gathering momentum for progress, in particular through the ongoing reform of the European migration and asylum system and the upcoming EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
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16 November 2020

European Network of Ombudspersons for children - ENOC
ENOC - 24th annual meeting and Newsletter

The 24th annual meeting of ENOC took place on 16 and 17 November 2020 online. It was dedicated to discuss child rights impact assessment (CRIA). "CRIA is a process, tool and report which supports a systematic assessment and communication of the impact of a proposal or measure on the rights, needs and interests of children and young people. CRIA focuses on how children's rights may be affected by the decisions and actions of governments, institutions and others in the areas of law, policy and practice." The Newsletter contains useful information and announcements from the network itself, as well as updates on European and international activities in the field of the rights of the child. It also provides updates on ENOC members’ activities and collects the latest relevant publications.

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See also ENOC 2020 position statement on Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA)
Document ENOC'S newsletter  (879 Kb)

07 October 2020

Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts
Implementing the Global Compact on Refugees for Children: Examples of child-focused work

The Initiative, which brings together over 30 civil society and philanthropic organisations, has produced its new publication. The Initiative sets out to ensure that children’s rights are at the heart of the two global compacts on migration and on refugees in practice and to create a continuum of care, protection and support for all migrant and refugee children. Through this new publication it aims to support governments, within and outside of Europe, in the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in a way that is child and gender sensitive.

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27 August 2020

European Social Network
ESN newsletter
The mission of ESN is to advance the exchange of knowledge in public social services in partnership with health, education, housing, employment and social inclusion to benefit people and communities through improved policy and practice.
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28 July 2020

Missing Children Europe
Innovative application to find missing children

Missing Children Europe launches its ChildRescue app, an innovative application in Belgium and Greece (other European countries will follow) calling for the public to contribute to finding missing children in Europe. ChildRescue is an innovative platform to effectively reduce the time it takes to find a missing child. It further helps resolve the disappearance of children in migration fleeing to Europe.

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23 July 2020

Child Protection Hub/Terre des hommes
On-line training on gender-based violence affecting children and youth on the move

ChildHub Academy has opened the online course within the framework of the Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender-Based Violence Awareness in Europe (BRIDGE) regional project. The course is designed for professionals who come into contact with children and youth on the move. It focuses on building the knowledge and capacity to prevent, identify, and respond to gender-based violence (GBV). The course is free and self-paced and available in English, Dutch, French, Greek and Romanian. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion from ChildHub.

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16 July 2020

The smile of the child
New Missing Alert App in Greece

The new free mobile application Missing Alert App is now available to the public, actively supporting the quick recovery of missing people in Greece. The application enables all citizens to contribute to the search of missing people in real time. Furthermore, it may be used to protect relatives – children, as well as adults – who run a high risk of going missing, thus broadening the social circle of solidarity and support. The app is managed by the specialized team of the organization The Smile of the Child, which is responsible for any information, evaluating it to make the most of the potential for the immediate recovery of the missing person.

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08 July 2020

Relocations of unaccompanied children from Greece, call for further action and solidarity
IOM, UNHCR, and UNICEF welcomed the relocations of 49 unaccompanied asylum-seeking and migrant children from Greece to Portugal and Finland that happened during the summer. The 49 children relocated to Portugal and Finland are boys aged 12-17. Forty-two are from Afghanistan, 4 from Egypt, and one from The Gambia, Palestine, and Iran respectively.
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Studies and promising practices

27 November 2020

Victim Support Europe
The FYDO (Facility Dogs Europe) Project: a coordinated effort to train and place facility dogs in order to support victims
The goal of the FYDO Project is to establish a facility dog service to support victims throughout their participation in criminal proceedings. The development and implementation of a facility dog service further aims at improving the participation of victims in justice processes and the quality of victim interventions and testimonies.
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08 October 2020

the Finnish government
16-year-old girl becomes the Finnish Prime Minister for one day

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin participated in the Girls Takeover event organised by Plan International on 7 October. For one day, the Prime Minister’s seat was taken over by a 16-year-old girl. In the Girls Takeover, which is part of the celebration of the UN’s International Day of the Girl, girls around the world step into the shoes of leaders in different sectors of society.

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01 October 2020

Scottish Government
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is being incorporated into Scottish law
The First Minister announced a UNCRC Incorporation Bill as part of Scotland's 2020/21 Programme for Government. This Bill looks to put the UNCRC into Scots law to the maximum extent possible. The act is expected to bring a cultural change and an increased level of accountability of Scottish authorities when applying law that affects children.
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12 September 2020

Worlds of Influence Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries
As part of the Innocenti Report Card series, the report card compares children’s well-being across rich countries. Through a multi-level approach, it shows that children’s well-being is influenced by children’s own actions and relationships, by the networks and resources of their caregivers, and by public policies and the national context. The report calls on countries to step up efforts to realise the rights of all children.
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19 August 2020

Mark Klaassen, Stephanie Rap, Peter Rodrigues, Ton Liefaard
Publication: Safeguarding Children's Rights in Immigration Law

The book presents a compilation of scientific papers presented during the conference ‘Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law’, organised by the Institute of Immigration Law and the Department of Child Law of Leiden Law School, at Leiden University in November 2018. It shows the diversity of issues related to immigration and children, including family reunification, detention, participation, human trafficking and the rights of siblings in the context of migration, as well as the significance of regional legal systems and infrastructures for the protection of children on the move.

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17 August 2020

Child in the city foundation
Inside the city run by children
Every two years, for a few summer weeks, children run their own show. Filling government roles, running businesses, building structures, and talking politics, kids participate in what’s known in Germany as a spielstadt, or play city. The project offers children a chance to better understand and participate in the functions of a city, while also allowing them the freedom to rethink what a city can be.
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08 July 2020

DigiGen - a new project looking at the impact of ICT on children and on their family life.
DigiGen, a Horizon2020 research project has produced a new literature review on children's ICT use and its impact on family life. The projects examines the impacts of ICT on children and on their family life. It points out how adequate parental mediation and essential digital competencies can help to mitigate the adverse effects of children’s and young people’s online activities.
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18 June 2020

World Health Organisation
Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020

The report looks at countries’ progress towards the SDGs aimed at ending violence against children. It collates inputs from over 1000 decision-makers in 155 countries who assessed their violence prevention status against the evidence-based approaches. The report shows that while many of the participating countries are taking some action, government officials from these same countries acknowledge that their efforts are clearly insufficient to achieve the SDG targets. The report concludes with recommendations for boosting INSPIRE implementation efforts and accelerating national progress.

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