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  26 October 2020  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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23 October 2020

Newsletter on rights of the child - Special edition

Dear Readers, The Newsletter on the Rights of the child took a break, but we didn’t go on holidays. We worked quite hard on the 13th European Forum on the rights of the child that took place almost one month ago. We have been also occupied with the consultations on the EU strategy on the rights of the child. In this special edition of the newsletter, we bring you some information about the Forum and the Strategy.

European Commission - Activities

26 October 2020

EU Strategy on the Rights of the child: children - have your say!
Online consultation questionnaire for children between 11 and 18 - OPENED ONLY UNTIL 30 OCTOBER! This questionnaire is available in 20 languages and aims at bringing voices of children (living also in non-EU Member States). The questionnaire is available in Albanian; Bulgarian; Dutch; English; Finnish; French; Danish; Icelandic; Italian; German; Greek; Hungarian; Lithuanian; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Serbian; Slovenian; Spanish; Swedish; Several rights of the child organisations (UNICEF, EuroChild, Save the Children, World Vision International and Child Fund Alliance) have joined forces to develop this questionnaire. Other organisations (SOS Children’s Villages International, Defence for Children International and Terre des Hommes) are running targeted consultations with children.
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26 October 2020

EU Strategy on the rights of the child
The works on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child are in full speed. Consultations with children are ongoing and the public consultation for adults is opened until 8 December. We are also putting together input received during the Forum on the rights of the child. The Strategy is planned for adoption in Spring 2021.
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26 October 2020

13th Forum on the Rights of the child

Over three mornings and one afternoon, between 29 September and 1 October, more than 300 participants connected from all over the EU (and beyond) to this first digital edition of the EU Child Rights Forum. They listened the three plenary session, three keynote speeches and participated in four workshops.

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