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  06 July 2020  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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03 July 2020

Newsletter on rights of the child No 4/2020
Dear Readers, This will be our last newsletter before the summer break. The coronavirus is still out there and the impact it has had is even more obvious. In this edition of the newsletter, we share with you some data and information on that. We also inform you about positive developments in the are of the rights of the child. The Commission adopted the EU strategy on victim’s rights and is getting ready for the EU strategy on fighting child sexual abuse and the EU strategy on the rights of the child. Wishing you a safe, calm and sunny summer, Rights of the child team.

02 July 2020

Other newsletters worth subscribing to
We would also like to raise your attention to other newsletters issued by various organisations on rights of the child issues.

17 June 2020 - 05 August 2020

Roadmap published - Delivering for children: an EU strategy on the rights of the child

The roadmap for the EU strategy on the rights of the child is online. This is the first consultation document on the strategy opened for public comments. Feedback will be taken into account in further works on the strategy. The second stage of the public consultation - the questionnaire will be open later during summer. Please stay tuned and check your inbox for our next newsletter and the webpage Please contribute and disseminate. Thank you.

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Date 17 June 2020 - 05 August 2020
Document Roadmap.pdf  (250 Kb)
European Commission - Activities

05 June 2020 - 03 July 2020

European Commission
EU strategy to fight child sexual abuse
There has been a dramatic increase in detected cases of child sexual abuse in recent years, and it is imperative that efforts are stepped up to tackle these crimes. The fight against child sexual abuse and exploitation is a firm priority for the EU. On 5 June, the European Commission published a roadmap on the EU Strategy to fight sexual abuse. The responses received will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative. The European Commission is therefore preparing an EU strategy to tackle this issue which will focus on preventing the abuse from happening in the first place, law enforcement and assisting victims.
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Date 05 June 2020 - 03 July 2020

02 July 2020

European Commission
EU Strategy on victims' rights (2020-2025)
The European Commission presented on 24 June 2020 its first-ever EU Strategy on victims’ rights (2020-2025). The main objective of this strategy is to ensure that all victims of all crime, no matter where in the EU or in what circumstances the crime took place, can fully rely on their rights. To that end, it outlines actions that will be conducted by the European Commission, Member States and civil society.
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01 June 2020

European Commission
Vice-President Šuica and Commissioner Reynders: Children must not be forgotten during the coronavirus outbreak
The op-ed published on the occasion of the International Children's Day, VP Šuica and Cssr Reynders highlighted the effects that the coronavirus crisis has had on children. Published in more then 13 newspapers, it reminds that when drawing up recovery plans, we must ensure that children do not become silent victims of this crisis, bearing in mind their needs and rights, and giving their voices and concerns the space they deserve.
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27 May 2020

European Migration Network (EMN)
Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the European Union (EU) and Norway
The EMN study explores the key characteristics of non-harmonised protection statuses and the types of national statuses granted by Member States and Norway to address a protection need not covered by international protection statuses as set out in the Qualification Directive or temporary protection in the Temporary Protection Directive. The report includes an overview of national statuses granted by particular protection ground, reviewing the conditions and rights associated with each. It also considers commonalities and differences with the minimum standards established at EU level for the EU-harmonised statuses (refugee status, subsidiary protection and, in one case, temporary protection).
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Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

02 July 2020

European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
Awareness raising video about unaccompanied children applying for asylum
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19 June 2020

Report: Exploiting isolation: sexual predators increasingly targeting children during COVID-19 pandemic
Video calls with friends and family, social media interaction, online games, educational use: during the corona lockdown children’s lives promptly shifted even further from the real world into an online virtual one. Sex offenders have found in this development a tempting opportunity to access a broader group of potential victims. The report published by Europol shines a light on the increased sharing of child sexual exploitation images online and how to confront this serious threat to children’s safety. To confront this threat, law enforcement has also increased its efforts to tackle this severe crime, which sees a child being re-victimised every time an image is shared.
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09 June 2020

European Union Agency for Fundamental rights
EFRIS database-updates
The European Union Fundamental Rights Information System EFRIS is a Human Rights Gateway, bringing together data and information from existing human rights databases, and enables viewing and analysis of relevant assessments of fundamental rights in the EU. The drop down menu, includes now the rights of the child and child labour.
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27 May 2020

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 2/2020
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25 May 2020

European Parliament and the UN
Statement on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict: 20 Years After the Adoption of OPAC
Joint Statement by the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, the European Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict marked the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OPAC). The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict entered into force on 12 February 2002 and is a commitment that States will not recruit or conscript children under 18 to take part in hostilities. 170 States have become parties to the Optional Protocol; 17 countries have not ratified or acceded to the Optional Protocol, while 10 have signed but not ratified it.
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Other organisations - Activities

02 July 2020

Campaign #EndFGMmyths : “The Purple Chair” Youtube video series

Within an Erasmus+ project awarded last year, END FGM Youth Ambassadors are developing their very own Youtube video series, developing the content, filming, editing and subtitling a series of videos to talk to other youth about topics such as GBV, bodily integrity, FGM, consent, engagement with youth, etc. The very first video was launched 2 weeks ago on the End FGM EU Youtube channel. and there will be one video launched every two weeks. Stay tuned for more and subscribe to the End FGM European Network Youtube Channel and check their Twitter account @ENDFGM_Network

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02 July 2020

Campaign #EndFGMmyths - Youth Engagement Manifesto

End FGM European Network recognises the critical role of engaging youth from FGM-affected communities in tackling FGM within Europe and indeed globally. In the movement to end FGM, young people struggle to be truly at the centre. They are often seen or heard but not really listened to. Youth are rarely provided the opportunity to shape programmes and activities concerning them, with tokenism being a sad reality and a hindrance for everyone concerned. In cooperation with the Members who are part of the Network’s Youth Engagement Working Group (APF - Portugal, AkiDwA - Ireland, Equipop - France, FORWARD - UK, TERRE DES FEMMES - Germany, National FGM Centre - UK), the Youth Ambassadors and Integrate UK, EndFGM developed 5 Principles for Effective and Meaningful Engagement of Youth:Communicate appropriately with young people; Build youth leadership; Safeguard youth; Listen to young people; Foster empowerment of young people.

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02 July 2020

Terre des Hommes
Project on integration of Roma children - MISTO AVILEAN!

The project is implemented by Terre des hommes Foundation Romania in partnership with: Terre des hommes Foundation Hungary, Fundación Secretariado Gitano in Spain, and Afeji in France. Through this partnership, the MISTO AVILEAN! project aims to ensure non-discriminatory and non-disruptive education for Roma children engaged in migration.

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02 July 2020

Report: National Responses to Adjust Child Protection Systems (COVID 19)
Child Protection team in the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) designed a brief online survey to take stock of what national authorities are doing to adjust national child protection systems and services in the wake of COVID 19. The survey was administered online to 23 UNICEF offices in the region. The report aims to synthesize the responses across the region; support national and international child protection agencies, organizations and authorities to identify promising practices, challenges, risks and opportunities; and promote exchange of experience and practices across the region and globally. The report contains: Highlights on the Essential Protection Services, and Social Work; Highlights of the Key Justice Responses for Children; Key Gaps and Concerns; Promising Practices and Opportunities and Examples to further consider and build on across the region.
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See also The COVID 19 Situational Reports for the entire organization
Contact Aaron Greenberg, Regional Advisor C...
Document National Responses in Europe and Central Asia to augment and strengthen child protection in the age of COVID-19.pdf  (247 Kb)

02 July 2020

Project: Gender ABC

Gender ABC is an EU funded project managed by the End FGM European Network in partnership with four other organisations: Terre Des Femmes (Germany), AIDOS (Italy), Médicos del Mundo (Spain) and APF (Portugal). The project aims at giving a comprehensive education around GBV on 12 different topics put together in 18 modules adapted to primary and to secondary schools. The modules are adaptable, flexible and child-friendly for different national and local contexts.

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See also 18 educational modules for gender equality in English

02 July 2020

Council of Europe
Guidelines: Learn about your rights in the digital environment

Launched on 1 June, a leaflet produced by children for children was made available online. It presents the key rights that children have in the digital environment and can claim from governments, schools, business and other stakeholders, and points to possible action that notably adults must take to ensure that children stay safe while using digital technology. The leaflet and its way of presenting these rights to children have been designed in collaboration with a group of children who were consulted in the publication process.

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02 July 2020

Campaign: 'Inclusive Cities for All: Social Rights in My City’

The campaign shows commitment of cities to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights at local level. Mayors and deputy mayors are pledging with concrete measures and financial investments to implement actions that are making the EPSR reality at local level. Eurocities invited mayors and deputy mayors to pledge to act on the principles of European Pillar for Social Rights in line with a city's strategic objectives. If the city is already delivering inclusive social policies to achieve social rights, these efforts can be highlighted through a pledge to one of the principles of the Pillar. Is your city interested to join the initiative? Or is your city already one of the 27 signing cities but you wish to sign a new pledge on another principle? Your city is very welcome to join this campaign and become a ‘champion city’ on the EU Pillar of Social Rights.

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20 June 2020

United Nation Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Everyone can make a difference - World Refugee Day
No matter who you are or where you come from, pandemic or not; everyone of us can make a difference. Every action counts.
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16 June 2020

World Vision
Report on ending violence against children: OUR research, OUR rights

OUR research, OUR rights - Ending violence against children through the lens of child researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil,Indonesia, Nicaragua, Romania and Sierra Leone. The child researchers explained that: "The aim of these child-led research projects was to understand children and young people’s perceptions about violence against children as described within the SDG (16.2) that seeks to end violence towards us. We wanted to understand how violence is happening in our schools and communities and its effects on children’s lives. This objective was selected by us, the child researchers, in a collective way, and we found a way to agree on which topic to focus. We wished to explore issues concerning violence against children and young people because these are important for us and we feel like sometimes our views or priorities are not always taken into account by adults’ research projects."

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15 June 2020

Eurochild Annual Report 2019

Eurochild’s Annual Report of 2019 reflects on the key activities and achievements of the network, which spans 34 countries with its almost 200 members. The report, divided in two sections based on Eurochild’s strategic plan of 2019-2021, showcases the work and achievements aimed towards ‘The change Eurochild wants to see’ and ‘How Eurochild contributes to making that change happen’.

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01 June 2020

Stop VEO
Campaign on educational violence by StopVEO and Publicis Conseil
Following the recent adoption of a new law for the abolition of ordinary educational violence (slapping, spanking, pinching, humiliation), the association StopVEO-Enfance and agency Publicis Conseil produced a film “The Words I Won’t Say” to raise awareness among parents. The new law states that parental authority is exercised without physical or psychological violence and prohibits all Ordinary Educational Violence.
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28 May 2020

Report on Early childhood education and child welfare in cities in Europe

This report presents the findings on how cities deliver early childhood education and care and tackle child poverty, in line with principle 11 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. It provides: an overview of city competences; trends and current social challenges at local level; good practices from city measures; obstacles that prevent cities from doing more or implementing better policies; and policy recommendations for cities, member states and the EU.

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25 May 2020

Missing Children Europe (MCE)
Report: Figures and trends 2019 from hotlines for missing children and cross-border family mediators

In 2019, the 116 000 European hotlines for missing children answered 55,284 calls covering 7582 cases. The majority of new cases concerned runaways with 55%, just under a fourth (23%) were parental abductions, and a small portion of cases reported, over 3%, concerned children in migration. MCE warns that the current COVID-19 crisis increases the risks for all three categories. Quarantine measures led to increased domestic violence which are the major risk factor for running away. Border closures caused new cases of international child abduction and have led to delays, in ongoing and new cases. Social distancing measures further limit migrant children’s access to care and support services, and risk separating them from ill parents or caregivers, making them more vulnerable to traffickers. The annual report by Missing Children Europe (MCE) encourages EU Institutions, Member States, foundations and individuals to support hotline services during these challenging times.

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28 May 2020

Queen's University Belfast
COVIDUnder19 - Global Children’s Consultation

In May 2020 the Centre for Children's Rights, Queens University Belfast in collaboration with a coalition of international NGOs and agencies, launched a global survey for 8-17 year old's to get their views and experiences of ‘Life under Coronavirus’. The aim of the survey is to find out how children feel, whether they are able to learn and play, see their parents, stay in touch with their friends, if they can access reliable information and support, and if they are healthy and safe in these challenging times. The survey is the first global survey of children’s views and experiences of COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions and is available in many languages (see below). It was developed with 270 children from 28 countries and an international advisory group of 18 children and young people and is currently available in 22 languages.

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See also video from Najat Maalla M’jid,the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children,

25 May 2020

SOS Children's Villages
Global Call for Action to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on most vulnerable children in Europe and worldwide.
The socio-economic fallout of the pandemic will be felt hardest by the world’s most vulnerable children. Therefore, based on the extensive field-experience, long-lasting expertise and the latest analysis of the situation,SoS Children's Villages launched a global call to action to protect children without or at risk of losing parental care. This call presents a set of key recommendations to ensure that their rights and needs will be prioritised by governments at national, regional and international levels -as they adopt measures to mitigate the short and long-term impacts of the pandemic in Europe and across the world.
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24 June 2020
2019 Report - Child on the Internet
This new report talks about violations of children’s rights in the digital world, especially the right to the privacy in the context of social media. The report also discusses safety issues on popular messengers like WhatsApp and focuses on online games, where the inexperience of children often is being exploited. The report provides also a set of recommendations on how risks can be minimised.
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