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  15 May 2020  

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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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15 May 2020

Newsletter on rights of the child No 3/2020
Welcome to the third 2020 edition of the newsletter on the rights of the child. The shadow of coronavirus is still hoovering across the world, while many countries take the first steps towards de-confinement. We know more about the virus and more about the consequences the confinement and other measures have on children and their rights. Read more about this below. In this edition we also want share with you information on some concrete initiatives from the Commission to help children and their parents or carers go through these difficult times. We have seen some good examples of heads of states addressing children in their statements and communication, and there are more and more suggestions coming on how to make the situation better for children and how to support parents. You will find some links to child-friendly materials below. We hope that you, your friends and families are in good health.
Child friendly materials and interesting websites:
Have some fun
  1. At the beginning something for everyone: laughter yoga by Lialina DeLeo – stay until the end to make an I am STRONG inhale and I am healthy exhale:
  2. Book for children about the coronavirus :
  3. Yoga for children:
  4. Family dance workshops for kids aged two to six by Sadler’s Wells theatre:
  5. A new performance for young audience by Half Moon theatre available online every Wednesday:
European Commmission
Selected EU actions on children and coronavirus.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the European Commission adopted a number of measures to counterbalance the negative effects of the different, necessary measures adopted by the EU Members States. Assistance has been also provided to the third countries. We asked colleagues to let us know the situation of children was addressed in these responses. Please check the the summary table (not exhaustive).
Document EU responses for children.pdf  (148 Kb)

14 May 2020 - 15 July 2020

Call for proposal on safer online environment for children and young people
The European Commission has just published a call for proposal for a new pilot project on the Funding & Tenders portal, which will support efforts towards safer online environment for children and young people. The main objective of the project is to demonstrate an interoperable technical infrastructure dedicated to the implementation of child protection mechanisms (such as age verification) and parental consent mechanisms based on relevant EU legislation such as the AVMSD and GDPR. Please find more details in the Call document. The call will remain open until 15 July 2020 please have a look and don’t hesitate to share this information with relevant parties.
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Deadline 15 July 2020
Document Call for proposals document  (770 Kb)

30 January 2020 - 27 August 2020

European Commission, DG Migration and Home Affairs
Deadline extended - call for proposals under the Internal Security Fund – Police on "Joint Action against Trafficking in Human Beings addressing the Culture of Impunity"
The deadline for this call was extended until 27 August 2020. Priorities of this call are: - Prevention initiatives targeted specifically at countering the impunity for all actors involved in the trafficking chain: traffickers, exploiters, profit makers, users and abusers. - Disrupting the financial business model of trafficking, following the money and untangling the trafficking chain. Proposals are requested to focus, among others, on trainings on trafficking in human beings targeted specifically for officials responsible for investigating and prosecuting the offences, taking into account victims with a focus on women and children, including the Roma community. Proposals are expected to integrate a gender and child specific perspective in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a project, as appropriate.
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Deadline 27 August 2020
European Commission - Activities

13 May 2020

European Commission
Safety Gate: Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products
The Safety gate website gives information about dangerous products found on the EU markets. Informaton is provided by the national authorities via the rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products - "Safety Gate". They include information about the type of products found, the risks posed and the measures taken at national level to prevent or restrict their marketing. It is possible to subscribe and personilise weekly reports.
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13 May 2020

European Commission
Report: Understanding the housing conditions experienced by children in the EU

The provision of quality and affordable housing is an important mechanism for tackling child poverty, promoting the social inclusion of children and minimising the risk of homelessness among children in the EU. This memo outlines the housing conditions experienced by children across the EU and shows examples of actions taken by EU countries and at European level to improve the situation.

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11 May 2020

Guest contribution by Commissioner Dalli: Special measures for the protection of women and children are needed throughout the EU
In a guest contribution in Frankfurter Rundschau, Commissioner Dalli underlines the importance of the social distancing measures to defeat the pandemic. However, the instances of domestic violence have spiked throughout the EU since various EU Member States have announced a state of emergency. Children and women are especially vulnerable when they are confined at home where it is not a safe place for them, Ms Dalli stated. Some EU Member States have already undertaken measures to reinforce the support for victims of domestic violence. Special measures for the protection of women and children are needed throughout the EU, and coronavirus should not prevent them from getting this protection. In particular, prevention services and support services must be classified as critical services, Ms Dalli urges. [full text in German only]
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08 April 2020

European Migration Network

The European Migrtion Network (EMN) contacted a study about unaccompanied children going missing, with a special focus on available data and responses from the Member States.

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See also INFORM - unaccompanied children going missing

25 March 2020

The European Commission and the High Representative
Joint Communication and the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy for 2020-2024.
Building on the achievements of the previous Action Plans, the new Action Plan identifies the priorities and key actions for the next five years and commits to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Action Plan has five lines of action: Protecting and empowering individuals; Building resilient, inclusive and democratic societies; Promoting a global system for Human Rights and Democracy; Harnessing opportunities and addressing challenges posed by the use of new technologies; Delivering by working together.
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Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

11 May 2020

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Report “Relocation of unaccompanied children: applying good practices to future schemes"

The report highlights the challenges and good practices gathered in the implementation of different mandatory and voluntary relocation programmes since 2015. The report focuses on key steps of the relocation procedure from the moment a child is identified for relocation to the child’s integration in the Member State of destination. FRA conducted the interviews used for the report between November 2019 and March 2020 in 10 EU Member States: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal.

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10 April 2020

The European Parliament Intergroup on Children's rights
European Parliament Intergroup Statement on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Children
The European Parliament Intergroup on Children's rights issued a statement on the impact of COVID-19 on children. The Intergroup called on the European Commission and the EU Member States to take specific actions and put in place appropriate measures to ensure that children and young people are safe and their well-being and developement is not endangered by the coronavirus crisis.
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30 March 2020

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Children in migration in 2019

The ‘Children in migration in 2019’ report looks at the migration situation in 2019. It pulls together the main issues identified in FRA’s Quarterly Bulletins on migration in selected EU Member States.

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Other organisations - Activities

26 May 2020

Children of Prisoners Europe
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a spotlight on prisons: on the challenges in ensuring social distancing and protecting health and welfare, and on the consequent loss of contact for prisoners, their children and families while physical visits are suspended. Children and imprisoned parents need to stay connected and ways must be found for this to happen. This webinar will discuss how individuals, organisations and states across Europe are working to maintain contact between children and their parent in prison during the current pandemic.
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Document Webinar - Children of prisoners Europe  (207 Kb)

17 May 2020

Child Helpline International
17 May - International Child Helpline Day

The International Child Helpline Day (17 May) it’s a day to celebrate the achievements of child helpline members and raise awareness of child helplines in general. This year in particular, the Child Helpline International (CHI) wants to highlight the work that child helplines have been doing to support, protect and comfort children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child helplines have noticed huge surges in the number of calls, texts and messages of children calling for help. In addition, the child helplines have been disseminating public health advice on their social media channels, delivering emergency supplies to children in need and providing tips to parents on how to speak to their child about the pandemic. Follow the CHI website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages for more information and posts, #ICHD2020.

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See also International child helpline day - video

11 May 2020

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Briefing: What children are saying to Childline about the coronavirus
The briefing provides an overview of the main concerns that children and young people have been talking to Childline counsellors about during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Between 21 January 2020 and 8 April 2020, Childline delivered 2,209 counselling sessions to children and young people who expressed concerns about coronavirus. Issues discussed included: mental health family relationships schoolwork bullying.
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09 April 2020

Human Rights Watch
Children talking about Coronavirus
Listen to what children have to say about their situations and feelings under the coronavirus restrictions.
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12 May 2020

World Vision
Report: Children's voices in times of Covid-19
This research was conducted in March and April 2020 to explore children and young people’s reflections and perceptions on the COVID-19 outbreak. This research on young voices was organised in response to the young people’s continued child activism in the face of personal challenges. The consultation project included 101 children and young people (58 girls and 43 boys) between the ages of 8 and 17 from 13 countries: Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mali, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Sierra Leone and Syrian refugee children living in refugee camps near the Turkish-Syrian border. The project embraced an intergenerational collaboration between two adult researchers and 12 young leaders, ages 13 to 18, who engaged as peer researchers.
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Document Children’s voices in times of COVID-19 Continued child activism in the face of personal challenges  (2,0 Mb)

13 May 2020

Missing Children Europe
Children in migration- Meet Apollo and Tiny

A campaign set up by Missing children Europe and Amina aims at helping those who want to help children in migration by increasing solidarity and compassion for children coming to Europe and creating a more welcoming societies. There are tips on how to change the narrative on conversations, some data on children in migration going missing and links to cartoon films about the trip on Tiny and Apollo.

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28 April 2020

Missing Children Europe
Statement on COVID-19 Protecting children (at risk of) going missing
The COVID-19 pandemic has a huge impact on individuals and societies, challenging us to adapt to new lifestyles, working conditions and social relationships. At the same time, the restrictive measures to limit the spread of the pandemic, have heightened the risks to which certain children are exposed. While fighting the virus that is shaking our society, we cannot neglect our responsibility and obligation to protect the most vulnerable among us.
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11 May 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Stateless Populations: Policy Recommendations and Good Practices
This paper outlines ways in which stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness may be disproportionately impacted by the crisis and aims to provide governments and other stakeholders with recommendations and examples of good practices in these areas. Stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness often lack legal residency status and may therefore be denied health services or need to pay excessive fees to gain access. Challenges faced by many stateless children and their families in accessing health services are documented by UNHCR in its I am Here: I Belong report. These challenges may also impact their access to testing and treatment for COVID-19. They are also likely to fear coming forward for testing or treatment lest they be subject to arrest or detention. When a vaccine becomes available, stateless persons and those at risk of statelessness may not be included in national immunization programs.
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27 April 2020

United Nations Network on Migration
Policy brief: Covid-19 and immigration detention
The UN Network on Migration's Working Group on Alternatives to Immigration Detention, co-led by IDC, UNHCR and UNICEF, released practical guidance for States and stakeholders on responding to COVID-19 in the context of immigration detention and alternatives to detention. The document aims to provide practical guidance to States and other stakeholders in preventing and responding to COVID-19 in the context of immigration detention, highlighting instances of promising practices as useful models to draw from.
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24 April 2020

Defence for children international (DCI)
Child rights violations in the context of the quarantine to contain the COVID-19 outbreak

In its press release, DCI urges governments to take specific measures in order to protect the rights of the child and uphold the the commitments ensrhined in the UNCRC.

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23 April 2020

United Nations
Policy Brief COVID-19 and Human Rights: We are all in this together
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres highlights in teh brief how human rights must guide the COVID-19 response and recovery. In his words “The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency - but it is far more. It is an economic crisis. A social crisis. And a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis.” Among emerging human rights challenges, those rlating to the rights of the child are uderlined: * Widespread closure of schools has interrupted the education of more than 1 billion children. * Reduction of care and protection services for children, including abrupt closure of care institutions and health services serving children, has increased children’s vulnerability to violence, exploitation and abuse *Prisoners, detainees and those deprived of their liberty, both adults and children, are highly vulnerable to the rapid spread of the virus
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15 April 2020

UNited Nations Sustainable Development Group
UNSG brief: The effect of the COVID 19 on Children
The policy brief on Children and COVID 19 was issued by the UN Secretary General and calls to prioritise education, health, food and safety for children. The statement of support was initiated by the EU, GRULAC and the Group of Friends for Children and SDGs and joined by 171 Member States and Observers.
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See also “Protect our Children” Response to the UN Secretary-General’s Call on Countries to Prioritize Children’s Education, Food, Health and Safety amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

09 April 2020

Human Rights Watch
Report: COVID-19’s Devastating Impact on Children
According to a report released by Human Rights Watch, the COVID-19 crisis will have a long-term negative impact on children, though they are much less threatened by the virus than other age groups. Due to the virus, around 1.5 billion children globally cannot attend school and this situation increases the risk of domestic violence, child labour and sexual exploitation. Additionally, many children have been orphaned because of the pandemic.
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01 April 2020

European Network of Ombudspersons for Children
European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC) Bureau Statement “Children’s rights in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak”

The ENOC Bureau released a video message and a statement urging States’ governments, the European Commission and the Council of Europe to undertake all appropriate actions to ensure that the rights of all children, as guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the General Comments of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, are respected during the COVID-19 healthcare crisis, especially in the areas of: Information and Participation (Arts 12 and 13 UNCRC) Protection from violence and abuse (Arts 19 and 34 UNCRC) Rights to health and development, to benefit from social security, and an adequate standard of living (Arts 24, 26, and 27 UNCRC) Education (Arts 28 and 29 UNCRC)

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See also Children's Rights in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak - useful resources

11 May 2020

Webinar series: Digital Citizenship Breakfast Bytes – 11th-20th May

The onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic has plunged all of us, families, children, workers, consumers, into the digital age with imposed and recommended lockdowns, meaning that digital tools are slowly but surely becoming the norm for schooling, working, socialising, gaming, staying connected with family members. This makes digital citizenship and critical thinking ever more urgent. From 11th-20th May, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee accompanied by a Breakfast Byte of digital citizenship. Each “byte” is a short 90-minute online session (from 9.30-11.00 Brussels time) aiming to increase the understanding of the digital world.

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21 May 2020

Child Protection Hub
Webinar: Adverse childhood experiences (aces): advantages and disadvantages of the aces narrative & effectiveness of common responses
This webinar will address advantages and disadvantages of the ACEs narrative, identify open questions, and contextualise ACEs within the wider literature of child maltreatment and disadvantage. It will look at how a system-wide focus on ACEs could mitigate the impact on child development and which interventions could be used to help address ACEs. This webinar is for individuals or organisations who would like to know more about Adverse Childhood Experiences and other issues that negatively affect children as well as existing interventions for addressing them.
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Studies and promising practices

14 May 2020

Australian government - eSafety Commissioner
Booklet: COVID-19 Global online safety advice for frontline workers supporting women.

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner has developed Global online safety advice for frontline workers to support women experiencing tech-facilitated abuse during the #COVID19 pandemic. Topics include: Technology-facilitated abuse during COVID-19; Warning signs of technology-facilitated abuse; How to help; Online safety checklist; Keeping children safe; Planning for a safer future; and Self-care for those on the frontline.

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Document Covid-19: International advice for frontline workers supporting women  (829 Kb)

13 May 2020

Croatian Ministry of Interior (the project leader) and Degordian advertising agency
Campaign against child abuse: Behind the door

The aim of the campaing is to raise public awareness on how current COVID-19 restrictions affect vulnerable children at risk of abuse and call them to take actions if they suspect a child may be abused next door. Children who have been abused during times of COVID-19 virus suffer the most because they have to live quarantined with their abuser. The campaign video is currently shown on all national and local TV stations in Croatia. It was also adapted for radio stations and is being promoted there as well. The key visual can be adapted to multiple countries/cultures. For more information on that, please contact Ella Selak:

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12 May 2020 - 31 May 2020

Ghent University
SURVEY: Studying the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees
ApartTogether is a global study coordinated by Ghent University and a research consortium of academics linked to Universities to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrants and refugees. The study aims to better understand how refugees and migrants experience the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and how they deal with any challenges that have arisen. Insights from the survey will be used to inform organisations and decision makers on how they can better support migrants and refugees during and after this pandemic. the survey is available in 31 languages.
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Deadline 31 May 2020

11 May 2020

Safeguarding children in football - UEFA child safeguarding toolkit
The child safeguarding toolkit is part of the joint efforts of Terre des Hommes and he Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) to develop a Europe-wide child safeguarding programme. Such programme will help ensuring a safe and positive experience for all children and young people who play football.
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23 April 2020

University of Central Lancashire
Report:Building on Rainbows. Supporting Children’s Participation in Shaping Responses to COVID-19
This rapid evidence report contains findings from a survey conducted (in one week, April 2020) with 95 professionals contacted through children’s participation and rights networks in 20 countries, including their reports of children’s perspectives. This evidence, from across Europe, illustrates: • Difficult conditions experienced by children in all countries, related to health, communication barriers, information shortages and digital reliance. Plus, additional challenges in many countries, related to accessing education, basic essentials, care and safety, mental health and wellbeing, involvement in decision making; and arising from exposure to violence, changes in family life, falling family and personal income and employment, inaccessible services and ongoing discrimination. • Additional exposure to these challenges faced by children and young people who are care experienced, young Roma, children with experience of vulnerable family situations, migration, poverty and disability and those vulnerable to CSE, trafficking and violence. • Response measures at national, local and organisational levels, introduced to try to address these challenges and mitigate risks, showing the value of and need for children’s participation, identifying experiences, concerns and solutions, including with children in vulnerable situations
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07 April 2020

Keeping Children Safe in Sports
Keeping Children Safe in Sports is a project co-funded under the REC programme, implemented by Terre des hommes (Tdh) in Romania and in Greece (Tdh Hellas) and supported by Tdh Hungary. Its goal is to promote child safeguarding policies in sports settings or summer camps in Romania and Greece, as a means to protect and safeguard children.
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25 March 2020

Young Minds
Report: Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs
The UK-based organisation YoungMinds carried out a survey at the end of March to enquire about the effects of the pandemic on young people with mental health problems. 2,111 young people between the ages of 13 and 25 participated in the survey, all of whom sought mental health support prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of all the respondents, 51% agreed that the coronavirus had somewhat of a negative impact on their mental health, and 32% stated that their mental health had become much worse due to the pandemic. Only 9% suggested that the condition of their mental health had remained the same.
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