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  26 March 2020  

Justice and Consumers

Newsletter on the rights of the child

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Newsletter on rights of the child No 2/2020
Dear Readers, we hope that you are all healthy and safe in this very challenging and uncertain moments. The second 2020 edition of the newsletter on the rights of the child will start with some information we gathered on how to make this current experience as stress free as possible for children. There is a lot of true and fake news out there and it may be difficult to navigate between them. That is why it is important to rely on verified and fact-based sources of information and keep the same principles when talking with children about the corona virus, isolation, quarantine and social distance. Stay safe.
Supporting children during the Corona Virus
Here we put together a selection of links to tools, videos and other resources that may help children children and their parents deal with the current coronavirus situation.

15 January 2020 - 15 April 2020

European Commission
DEADLINE EXTENDED until 15.04.2020_DG JUST - Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women - REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2020
The deadline for this call was extended until 15 April 2020. Priorities focus on victims of violence and peer violence.
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Deadline 15 April 2020

15 January 2020 - 13 May 2020

European Commission
DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL 13.05.2020_DG JUST - Call for proposals: Increase awareness-raising and knowledge on the rights of the child and child participation - REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2020
The deadline for application for this call was extended until 13 May 2020. Priorities focus on awareness-raising and knowledge on the rights of the child and on child participation.
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Deadline 13 May 2020

21 January 2020 - 15 April 2020

European Commission
Deadline extended until 15.04.2020_DG JUST- Call for proposals on closing gender gaps over the life-course-REC-RGEN-WWLB-AG-2020
This call for proposal focuses on two priorities: •Tackling gender stereotypes in education and early childhood care •Tackling gender stereotypes in educational and career choices in a digitalised world
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Deadline 15 April 2020
European Commission - Activities

19 March 2020 - 16 April 2020

European Commission
New Strategy for the Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
Roadmap on New Strategy for the Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights is opened for consultations until 16 April 2020 on Have your say website.
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Date 19 March 2020 - 16 April 2020
See also Have your say

05 March 2020

European Commission
Gender Equality Strategy: Striving for a Union of equality
On 5 March 2020 the Commission presented its strategy for equality between women and men in Europe 2020-2025. It sets out key actions for the next five years and commits to ensure that the Commission will include an equality perspective in all EU policy areas. The Strategy outlines how the Commission will deliver on the promise.
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See also Achievements and key areas for action
Document Gender Equality Strategy Factsheet  (243 Kb)
Other organisations - Activities

25 March 2020 - 01 April 2020

Terre des Hommes
Researcher or research institute needed for a project on children on the move
Terre des Hommes is looking for a researcher or a research institute for a research project - a systematic documentary review of the risk of and protection from sexual exploitation of children on the move in one corridor of mobility in Africa. The project is commissioned by Terre des Hommes and the Destination Unknown network.
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Deadline 01 April 2020
Document Terms of Reference  (1,0 Mb)

25 March 2020

Council of Europe
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe calls for the rights of the child to be strengthened
In a Declaration adopted few days ago, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe observed that, in times of crisis, States and society at large are at risk of overlooking or compromising on children’s rights, particularly those of children in a situation of vulnerability.
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13 November 2019

Council of Europe
Protecting the Child from Poverty: The Role of Rights in the Council of Europe

The report focuses on the role of children’s rights in addressing child poverty in the Council of Europe. The author, Aoife Nolan, member of the European Committee of Social Rights and Professor of International Human Rights Law, makes clear how the European Social Charter as interpreted by the European Committee of Social Rights can serve as a framework or roadmap for state efforts to combat child poverty.

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03 April 2020

European Network on Statelessness (ENS)
Webinar on child statelessness
This webinar will explore how and why children in migration in Europe may be at risk of statelessness. It will look at who is affected and outline some of the current challenges and gaps in realising every child’s right to a nationality. It will also provide key recommendations for action at the national and regional level. Speakers: • Khadija Badri - Advocacy and Engagement Officer, European Network on Statelessness • Rabea Niggemeyer - Statelessness and Birth Registration Researcher, Germany
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Date 03 April 2020
Organiser European Network on Statelessness (ENS)

25 March 2020

Conference- “Aftercare support for children leaving care: Learning lessons from across Europe”
The conference aims to exchange knowledge on lessons from across Europe on existing aftercare practices, identify gaps in national policy, legislation and service provision relating to psychosocial aftercare, and investigate how change can be driven at EU level. Registrations are now open and available here: *Eurochild is closely monitoring the situation in Belgium with the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus and currently assessing how it will impact our Conference. Consequently, we highly recommend that participants hold off on booking travel and accommodation arrangements until further notice. We will inform our members about precautionary measures and in case it needs to be cancelled. You can follow updates on the situation in Belgium on the official Belgian federal website:
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Date 25 March 2020

25 March 2020 - 01 May 2020

University of Turin
Massively open online course (MOOC) on trauma-informed care
The CarePath massively open online course (MOOC) on trauma-informed care is now available! Registrations are open until 1 May 2020:
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Deadline 01 May 2020
See also Care path project
Document MOOC flyer  (514 Kb)

25 March 2020

European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)
Myth buster on EU Funds and Independent Living
This publication addresses some of the misconceptions around how ESI Funds can and should be used, with regard to investments that affect disabled people’s right to live independently and to be included in the community. This right is set out in Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and further explained in the General Comment 5, adopted in 2017.
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25 March 2020

Italian Independent Authority for children and adolescents
Monitoring guardianship for unaccompanied foreign children implementing Art.11 of Law No 47/2017
The project aims to provide adequate resources to build up a quantitative and qualitative knowledge base with a view to supporting and encouraging the development of the guardianship system and enhancing the experiences gained over time or thanks to the actions carried out as part of this project. The project is financed with the European resources of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2014-20, Ministry of the Interior.
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Studies and promising practices

01 January 2020

Sweden officially incorporated UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into the Swedish legal system.
On 1st of January 2020 the UNCRC was officially incorporated in the Swedish legislation (The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Act (2018:1197)). Incorporation of the CRC gives it the status of Swedish law, entailing a clearer obligation on courts and legal practitioners to consider the rights that follow from the CRC in deliberations and assessments that are part of decision-making processes in cases and matters concerning children.
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25 March 2020

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Global report 2019 - Progress towards ending corporal punishment for children

25 February 2019

Council of Europe
Digital Citizenship Education Handbook by Council of Europe

The Digital citizenship education handbook is intended for teachers and parents, education decision makers and platform providers. It offers information, tools and good practice to support the development of competences to empower and protect children, enabling them to live together as equals in today’s culturally diverse democratic societies, both on- and offline.

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25 March 2020

International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI)
Good practice-Toy for inclusion

TOY for Inclusion is the gateway to education and care for many children of disadvantaged communities. The project has created eight Play Hubs for young children (0-8), that are toy libraries and spaces for parents and children to play together. They also offer a range of services to families, e.g. workshops on parenting. The project was co-funded by the European Commission-DG Justice ‘Rights Equality and Citizenship programme’ and the Open Society Foundations.

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Document Toy for inclusion_project results  (780 Kb)

19 February 2020 - 19 February 2020

Edy-Care Final Conference

On Wednesday 19th February, Eurocarers co-hosted the final conference of the Edy-Care Project. The final conference, which took place in Brussels, brought together a wide range of stakeholders in the education and caring sectors interested in better understanding the challenges faced by young carers in balancing their educational needs with their caring responsibilities and to learn about practical ways to support young carers in schools.

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Date 19 February 2020 - 19 February 2020

08 January 2020

Council of Europe
Promoting child-friendly approaches in the area of migration - Standards, guidance and current practices

The publication collates legal international standards, guidelines and a number of good practices that implement these standards. The compilation aims to support legal professionals, policy makers and professionals seeking to implement or advocate a child-rights-based approach to migration.

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01 January 2020

Mark Klaassen, Stephanie Rap, Peter Rodrigues, Ton Liefaard
This book reflects the growing concern for children and children’s rights in immigration in academia and practice and shows the diversity of issues related to immigration and children, including family reunification, detention, participation, human trafficking and the rights of siblings in the context of migration, as well as the significance of regional legal systems and infrastructures for the protection of children on the move.
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