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  07 June 2019  

Justice and Consumers

Newsletter on the rights of the child

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European Commission - Funding

10 May 2019

2019 Annual Work Programmes for Union actions of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund adopted

The Annual Work Programmes (AWP) for 2019 for Union actions of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) was adopted on 10 May 2019.

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31 January 2019

Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women. REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019

This call for proposals aims to promote the protection of children from all forms of violence as well as the rehabilitation of child victims considering that children exposed to trauma are entitled to receive child-sensitive support and treatment.

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Deadline 13 June 2019

15 January 2019

Call for proposals for action grants to support national and transnational projects to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters. JUST-JCOO-AG-2019.

Call for proposals for action grants to support national and transnational projects to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.

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Deadline 18 June 2019

19 March 2019

Call for proposal on security research, including the fight against child sexual abuse

A call for project proposals on security research across 16 different topics is open. €233.36 million is available in total for projects on fighting crime and terrorism, securing external borders, as well as improving digital security and data protection, among others.

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Deadline 22 August 2019

29 May 2019

Continuously open call - list of experts

Continuously open call - list of experts to help the Commission in the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme (includes rights of the child and Daphne funding on violence against children)

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European Commission - Activities

02 April 2019 - 03 April 2019

12th European Forum on the rights of the child

The 12th European Forum took place on 2 and 3 April 2019. Almost 300 participants, including a few children and young people, came to Brussels to discuss “where we are and where we want to go” on the rights of the child in the European Union.

Date 02 April 2019 - 03 April 2019

29 May 2019

DG Justice
Report from the conference - Child-friendly justice and integrated child protection systems. Lessons learned from EU-funded projects

The report summarises the main messages from the conference that took place on 25 and 26 June 2018 on Child-friendly justice and integrated child protection systems – lessons learned from EU-funded projects.

See also Report

28 May 2019

Mapping of research on Roma children in the EU (2014-2017)

This study commissioned by the European Commission maps existing research on Roma children in 13 EU Member States and 4 neighbouring countries (Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain).

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01 May 2019

Education in emergencies fundings and #Raiseyourpencil campaign

DG ECHO has announced a funding target of €164 million, which means that 10% of the humanitarian aid budget will be spent on education in emergencies.


29 May 2019

NESET Report “The role and place of ECEC in integrated working, benefiting vulnerable groups such as Roma”

This report examines the added value and the prerequisites for integrated working – as well as the crucial role played by ECEC services – to better serve all families, but especially vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families.

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21 January 2019

European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC)
Access to quality education for children with special educational needs

This policy memo provides an overview of the policy and practice of EU countries in ensuring access to quality education for children with special educational needs. It sets out the policy framework and main approaches taken by Member States, identifies key challenges for policy-makers and practitioners, and highlights examples of practices from across the EU.

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01 October 2018

Joint research centre (European Commission) - ‘The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning, Teaching, and Education’

This report describes the current state of the art in artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact for learning, teaching, and education.

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Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

16 May 2019

Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)
Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)- Migration bulletin

This second 2019 report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by large migration movements. It covers some child-related topics, such as child protection issues. The first 2019 Migration bulletin report was published in February 2019.

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28 May 2019

EASO (European asylum support office)
‘Practical guide on the best interests of the child in asylum procedures'

EASO has developed a new Practical Guide on the best interests of the child in asylum procedures, in accordance with its overall aim of supporting Member States in achieving common standards and high-quality processes within the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

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17 January 2019

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe

This Eurydice report investigates what top-level education authorities across Europe do to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. It presents a comparative mapping of a wide range of national policies and measures aimed at placing newly arrived migrant students in schools and addressing the various issues related to them.

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Other organisations - Activities

18 December 2018

Council of Europe
How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration

The Council of Europe published on December 2018 the Handbook: “How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration: a handbook for frontline professionals”.

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29 May 2019

Guidelines on Assessing and Determining the Best Interests of the Child (Best Interests Procedure (BIP)

UNHCR announced the provisional release of the UNHCR Guidelines on Assessing and Determining the Best Interests of the Child (Best Interests Procedure (BIP) Guidelines.

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29 May 2019

Building on promising practices to protect children in migration across the EU

This brief highlights five practices from within the EU, all of which illustrate promising responses to protecting children in migration.

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29 May 2019

Child protection agency in Ireland – Website on experiences by young people Changing Futures

A website for young people made by young people with experience of the child protection services in Ireland (Tusla). Young people thank to this project have a space where they can share their positives stories. They all come from different backgrounds but share the same experience of getting help from Tusla services.

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17 May 2019

Child helpline International
Campaign ‘Every child has its voice’

17 May 2019 was the Child Helpline Day. To mark it, Child Helpline International has initiated a campaign on especially vulnerable groups of children: children on the move, children with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ children and youth.

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29 May 2019

Association StopVEO, Enfance sans violences – Awareness-raising campaign on Educative violence ‘Les violences éducatives, c’est grave Docteur ?’

On 15 April 2019 the French NGO released a campaign to prevent and raise awareness among the general public of the consequences of the educative violence, in particular for health professionals.

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29 May 2019

The Irish Time
No Child 2020: A new website to discuss topics affecting children

No Child 2020 is an initiative by The Irish Times providing a sustained focus on child welfare and children’s issues. They explore the problems facing children in the Ireland today and offer solutions that would make this a better country in which to be a child.

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29 May 2019

Department for Families and Children’s Rights in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts and UNICEF Austria
International Composition Contest ‘Sounds of Children’s' Rights'

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Department for Families and Children’s Rights of the Austrian Chancellery, in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts - MDW and UNICEF Austria is organizing the International Composition Contest ‘Sounds of Childrens' Rights’.

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Deadline 15 July 2019
Studies and promising practices

29 May 2019

European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
UPRIGHTS - Upholding legal rights for unaccompanied children

The EU co-funded project UPRIGHTS Project, UPHOLDING LEGAL RIGHTS FOR UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN: Fostering Quality Legal Assistance in the Asylum Procedure was led by European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) in partnership with Forum réfugiés – Cosi.

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29 May 2019

King Baudouin Foundation
INTESYS – Supporting vulnerable children through integrated early childhood services

This Erasmus+ “Forward-Looking project” was coordinated by the King Baudouin Foundation, with partners from Slovenia, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium.

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29 May 2019

ICJ (International Commission of Jurists)
Project on capacity building for lawyers representing children in migration

This project is based on training modules that were developed as part of the EU-funded project FAIR (Fostering Access to Immigrant children’s Rights) project to help lawyers when representing migrant children and to increase their knowledge of the rights of the migrant children, to increase their understanding of the use of international redress mechanisms for violations of human rights of migrant children and give some advice on how to effectively communicate with child clients.

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