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  15 November 2023  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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EUROMOD Autumn training round-up

A three-day EUROMOD training course took place on 18-20 October at JRC-Seville. The course was taught by JRC colleagues Ilda Dreoni, Chrysa Leventi, Andrea Papini, Fidel Picos and Hannes Serruys.

Use of EUROMOD in the Report on Public Finances in EMU

The Report on Public Finances in EMU 2022, one of the flagship publications of DG ECFIN, was published on 25 October. EUROMOD was used to illustrate the short-term budgetary impact of the inflation shock seen in 2022 across EU countries, in a situation in which this shock translates into wage increases.

Inflation, fiscal policy and inequality

A topical joint research by the JRC and Eurosystem central banks colleagues was recently published in the ECB Occasional Paper Series. Click on "more" to find out about it.

EUROMOD online session on Stata Connector

Interested to access EUROMOD using Stata? JRC will give a one-hour online session on the ‘Stata Connector to EUROMOD’ on Tuesday 5 November, 12:00-13:00 CET. Click on "more" for more information.

Who’s who – Marta Jędrych

Marta takes care of the formal procedures related to EUROMOD and provides administrative support to the whole EUROMOD community. Let's get to meet her!

Projects & Publications
Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

This is the EUROMOD Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for the EUROMOD Newsletter's contact list. If the EUROMOD Newsletter was forwarded to you and you wish to register, please subscribe here. You can unsubscribe at any time by updating your profile page. To know more about EUROMOD and our activities, please visit the JRC EUROMOD website. Contact:
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ISSN: 2600-2582