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  15 May 2023  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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New EUROMOD beta release (I5.42+)

A new beta version of EUROMOD has just been released! It includes new model and new software, both available in the Download EUROMOD section. JRC will give an online session on the new features included in the software release. Please check the events below for more information.

The SOUTHMOD project releases the first-ever bundle of microsimulation models for the Global South

The SOUTHMOD bundle compiles models for 12 developing countries from three continents into a single platform, drawing inspiration from EUROMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the EU.

EUROMOD Spring training round-up

A EUROMOD training course was recently held at JRC-Seville, over 19-21 April 2023. The 26 participants who attended the course originated from a variety of institutions including universities, European institutions, ministries and research centres, and involved academics, policy practitioners and other interested users.

Call for tenders for the technical support for EUROMOD for 13 countries

This year the framework contracts with thirteen EUROMOD National Teams will expire and we will soon launch the call for tenders to contract National Teams for the next four years for the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Spain and Sweden. Click on "more" to access the prior information notice.

EUROMOD Annual Meeting and Research Workshop 2023

The next EUROMOD Annual Meeting and Research Workshop will take place from 20 to 22 September 2023 in Seville. Click on "more" to find out about those two important events.

EUROMOD online session on new software features

JRC will give an online session on the new features included in the latest EUROMOD software release (v3.6.2) on Monday 22 May. Click on "more" for more information.

Ilda Dreoni

Ilda is an applied development and environmental economist working as economic analyst at the Fiscal Policy Analysis team of JRC. She works on the development and maintenance of EUROMOD and its Indirect Tax Tool extension and contributes to the impact assessment of tax-benefit policies. Let's find out more about her!

Highlights on National Teams
Who’s who – the Portuguese National Team

The Portuguese EUROMOD national team is comprised of Carlos Farinha Rodrigues, Joana Vicente, David Leite Neves and Amílcar Moreira. Let's get to meet them!

Projects & Publications
Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

This is the EUROMOD Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for the EUROMOD Newsletter's contact list. If the EUROMOD Newsletter was forwarded to you and you wish to register, please subscribe here. You can unsubscribe at any time by updating your profile page. To know more about EUROMOD and our activities, please visit the JRC EUROMOD website. Contact:
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ISSN: 2600-2582