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  10 March 2023  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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EUROMOD job openings at the JRC

JRC-Seville has recently published two new positions for Economic Analysts in the field of microsimulation modelling. Click on "more" to learn more about them!

EUROMOD Working Paper series

We are happy to announce that the EUROMOD Working Paper series is back in action! Click on "more" below to find out about it and submit your papers.

Online attendance to the EUROMOD Spring training

The EUROMOD Spring training will take place on 19-21 April 2023 in Seville. The event will be fully streamed online, with a live chat.

No prior registration is needed for online attendance. All relevant links and information can be found here.

2nd Banca d’Italia Workshop on Microsimulation Modelling

The 2nd Banca d’Italia Workshop on Microsimulation Modelling will take place in Rome on 16 June 2023. It will bring together researchers, experts and practitioners working on both applied and methodological issues in the microsimulation field.

Conference on 'Celebrating tax-benefit modeling: 50 years with LOTTE'

To mark the 50th anniversary of the LOTTE-Skatt tax-benefit model, Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Ministry of Finance are organising a conference in Oslo on 15-16 June 2023.

FRIBIS Summer School 2023

The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) is organising the FRIBIS Summer School 2023 on 'Microsimulation and Social Welfare Maximization'. The event will take place in Freiburg on 18-20 July 2023.

Highlights on National Teams
Who’s who – the Slovakian National Team

The Slovakian EUROMOD national team is comprised of Martin Mikloš and Dušan Paur. Let's find out more about them!

Who’s who – the Irish National Team

The national team from Ireland working on EUROMOD is composed of Karina Doorley, Luke Duggan and Michael Doolan. Let's get to meet them!

Projects & Publications
Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

This is the EUROMOD Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for the EUROMOD Newsletter's contact list. If the EUROMOD Newsletter was forwarded to you and you wish to register, please subscribe here. You can unsubscribe at any time by updating your profile page. To know more about EUROMOD and our activities, please visit the JRC EUROMOD website. Contact:
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ISSN: 2600-2582