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Smart Specialisation Newsletter

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In this issue
High Level Event Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) “From Playbook to Implementation”

The European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions launch on 28 March the High Level Event on the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) “From Playbook to Implementation” as a bridge between smart specialisation and other EU policies to promote innovation-driven territorial transformation. The participants will be the Presidents and Regional Ministers of the 74 territories, who will accompany Commissioner Gabriel, Commissioner Ferreira and the President of the European Committee of the Region, Alves Cordeiro. At the scientific level, the event will gather world-leading experts in place-based innovation and territorial development through the PRI Scientific Committee.

date 28/03/2023 - 28/03/2023
venue Brussels - The event is fully public via live streaming.
Organiser European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions
Upcoming Events
Fifth Plenary Meeting on Interregional Cooperation in PRI

This 5th Plenary aims to advance towards the implementation of Interregional Cooperation, agreeing on the steps forward and paving the way for strengthening its political endorsement. This 5th PRI Plenary has been designed as a 3-hour morning session, with 3 main blocks: Insights gathered on Interregional Cooperation and the way ahead for implementation, Stocktaking in the activities of PRI Working Groups and the preparation for the PRI High Level Event, that will take place in Brussels on 28th of March 2023.

date 27/02/2023 - 27/02/2023
venue Online - for PRI pilot participants only
4th Interregional Cooperation PRI event held in December 2022

The PRI aspiration towards Interregional Cooperation was presented in the 4th PRI Plenary event held. 132 representatives of the 74 PRI territories participated in the event. The European Committee of the Regions and the Joint Research Centre introduced jointly the PRI’s playing field for territories to cooperate on transitions to sustainability pathways. PRI members’ valuable experiences were exposed, and, after intense parallel working sessions, meaningful insights were harvested about the Interregional funding mechanism, Innovations Services and Collaboration in Policies and Tools for accelerating the transitions; the above can prove excellent building blocks for the regions to collaborate and for building up together joint proposals to submit to the European instruments/programs at the disposal of the Interregional Cooperation. Interreg, I3, Euroclusters and Missions and the forthcoming Deep Tech Valley’s Call were presented by DG RDT, DG REGIO, DG GROW and DG CLIMA.

Workshop “Building the Future: Collaboration for Sustainable Transformative Innovation”

On the 23rd of November, we hosted an Iberian workshop at JRC Seville with cross-border regions from Portugal and Spain. The Portuguese Minister for Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, and the Portuguese Secretary of State for Regional Development, Isabel Ferreira, joined the debate with JRC researchers and representatives from 8 Portuguese and Spanish regional managing authorities. The workshop aimed to foster a collaborative culture, to exchange experience and knowledge about monitoring and evaluation, governance and inter-regional collaboration between Spanish-Portuguese border regions.

Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Roadmaps in Sub-Saharan Africa: Kick-off meeting and capacity building training workshop
During the three-day event, representatives of six pilot countries (The Gambia, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, and Seychelles) shared the state of the art on STI systems, policies and frameworks towards the SDGs. Needs, expectations and next steps were discussed both in plenaries and bilateral meetings. Dedicated capacity building training and workshops were provided, also in collaboration with invited partners including UNDESA and AUDA-NEPAD. The project aims to help design effective STI policies and strategies to support innovation ecosystems towards the SDGs in Africa, to strengthen STI capacities and to build more inclusive, sustainable societies.
S3 Tools
Update now your S3 priorities in Eye@RIS3 and help support collaboration between regional innovation valleys
Since several years the Eye@RIS3 tool has been forging transformative innovation collaboration across Europe and beyond, thus facilitating creation of numerous Innovation collaborative networks, projects and partnerships. The Commission’s Communication on a new European Innovation Agenda calls for supporting the creation of the regional innovation valleys, building on the Smart Specialisation Strategies, and where appropriate, on the Partnerships for Regional Innovation. The Eye@RIS3 tool provides key information on the innovation priorities on the basis of the national and regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3s). The S3 Platform has recently put on-line the updated tool with the new section aiming at the encoding of the territories’ RIS3 priorities for the period 2021-2027. The tool now facilitates encoding also for the new 2021 NUTS codes allowing for the territories that have changed their regional status in the recent years to encode their RIS3 priorities. In order to allow for full functionality of the tool shortly, we kindly invite the European regional/national authorities in charge to encode their new RIS3 priorities as soon as possible, in order to facilitate innovation networking across Europe, and in particular to facilitate the creation of and collaboration between upcoming regional innovation valleys. While the Eye@RIS3 tool for the period 2014-2020 has been closed for encoding or editing, the tool for the period 2021-2027 is now ready to propose or edit the respective S3 priorities.
See also The Commission’s Communication on a ne...
S3 Publications
Enhancing the sustainability dimension in Smart Specialisation strategies: a framework for reflection

This report introduces a tested reflection framework that aims to provide guidance for enhancing the sustainability outcomes of Smart Specialisation strategies. To make the framework accessible and useful for policy makers in all interested regions and countries, the JRC consulted and tested the framework on the ground.

author Miedzinski Michal, Coenen Lars, Larsen Henrik, Matusiak Monika, Sarcina Angela
See also Download
Discovery processes for transformative innovation policy, Lessons learned from the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) practice

The purpose of this paper is to review available studies on how “Entrepreneurial Discovery Processes” have been implemented and identify which lessons learned are relevant to the new context of transformative innovation policies, where “discovery and experimentation” processes will continue to be a key aspect.

author Laranja Manuel, Perianez-Forte Inmaculada, Reimeris Ramojus
See also Download

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